Posts Tagged ‘ Michael Bloomberg ’

Cyrus Vance Talks Sanctuary Cities

Cyrus Vance Talks Sanctuary Cities

The man you see (indistinctly) in the photo above is Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr., who spoke before a packed crowd at the Women’s National Republican Club last night on a variety of subjects. Although the invitation I responded to billed the evening as a discussion of sanctuary cities, Vance did not address...
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Parade Of Horribles

Parade Of Horribles

Even as events conspire to make hash of the narrative contrived by Hillary Clinton and the national media, i.e. Vladimir Putin’s exposure of the awfulness of the Democratic Party is the true threat to American democracy, the politically correct variety show in Philadelphia proceeds apace. Before tonight is over you will have endured the...
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Fates Worse Than Ebola

Fates Worse Than Ebola

Update: The passenger from Lagos who died on an Arik Air flight to New York recently suffered from cardiac arrest, and is not believed to have contracted Ebola, according to the CDC.  The public face of the Ebola epidemic, now that Thomas Eric Duncan has expired, is unquestionably Thomas Frieden, the current head of...
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New York Votes (Our Endorsements)

New York Votes (Our Endorsements)

This is Election Day in New York City-among other localities-which means that we will be choosing a replacement for El Bloombito-who has other priorities-as well as numerous members of the City Council. For those readers living in Astoria, we recommend Daniel Peterson. Seeking the seat of outgoing councilman Peter Vallone Jr., Mr. Peterson has...
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Tune in to the David Webb Show! (10 PM)

Update: Radio being the tumultuous medium that it is, the interview has been rescheduled to next Thursday! Tune in then to discover more about how you can help slow the political momentum behind Congress’s push for amnesty, and perhaps reduce this country’s collective BMI as a result. 
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The Cost of Amnesty

The Cost of Amnesty

The shortcomings of Sean Hannity as a cable news host and interviewer are widely known, yet he deserves some credit for interviewing Dennis Michael Lynch, despite his network’s seeming embargo of any information critical of its CEO’s dogmatic open borders agenda, on the day America celebrated its independence from its colonial master, Great Britain. You...
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Staten Island Rallies Against the NY SAFE Act

Staten Island Rallies Against the NY SAFE Act

Update: You can also read coverage of the event by the Staten Island Advance. The events of the past week have prevented us from discussing an issue dear to the hearts of many of our followers. Namely, the continuing, deliberate assault by public officials upon the intrinsic liberties of Americans. Specifically, the right to...
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Mr. Mayor

Mr. Mayor

As most you probably know, Edward I. Koch is no longer with us. After a protracted battle with pneumonia, among other ailments, the three term mayor of this city finally succumbed to the limitations of age. As well as being a career politician and often contrarian Democrat, Ed Koch was-as the photo above indicates-a decorated...
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Disastrous Response

Disastrous Response

Note: For those of you that would like to help the residents of Oakwood Beach who  have been devastated by Hurricane Sandy, my friend Tracy Diaz has established a chipin called the Oakwood Beach Rescue Fund, which will assist some of the people impoverished in this storm’s aftermath. One of the tragedies of Hurricane...
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Understand that America is God’s Crucible, the great Melting-Pot where all the races of Europe are melting and re-forming! Here you stand, good folk, think I, when I see them at Ellis Island, here you stand in your fifty groups, your fifty languages, and histories, and your fifty blood hatreds and rivalries. But you...
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