Posts Tagged ‘ Stealing Elections ’

Una Fraude

Una Fraude

Although many on the left have a vested interest in denying it exists at all costs, the ineluctable truth of the matter is that voter fraud is a widespread phenomenon. Whether it is so rampant that it influences the outcome of major elections, as some maintain, or has unseated incumbent congressmen in past races,...
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The Democrats deny the existence of voter fraud.  Yet it occurs on the floor of their own convention, as the Convention Chairman approves the mention of God in the platform against the overwhelming objections of the delegates. You know, they might just have a point.  Still, I doubt it will register with the deniers. Hat...
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Stealing Elections

Stealing Elections

One of the more depressing elements of the current presidential race is the lack of any substantive-or for that matter, trivial-discussion of federal immigration policy. Aside from Mitt Romney’s refusal to endorse SB 1070-despite overwhelming support for the law among the American voters he is ostensibly trying to woo-there has been virtually no debate...
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The Daily Rattle-April 15, 2012

The Daily Rattle-April 15, 2012

This month’s Rattle brings us a host of stories that the mainstream media didn’t cover sufficiently-preferring instead to shower accolades upon the man responsible for abandoning immigration enforcement in the name of political opportunism. We’ll cover everything from the latest spate of violent crimes committed by illegal aliens to Barack Obama’s continued roll out of administrative amnesty, which now...
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Voting Rights and Wrongs

Voting Rights and Wrongs

“Martyrs” — That was one of the many signs on display during an NAACP and SEIU-sponsored rally that took place this weekend  in opposition to David and Charles Koch, CEO and Executive Vice-President, respectively, of Koch Industries and universal left wing hobgoblins. The ostensible reason for the demonstration was the brothers’ contributions to the American Legislative Exchange Council,...
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Activism Alert (Counter the SEIU in Manhattan)

It seems like the attack upon sensible, common sence voter ID requirements continues apace. John Fund has written extensively and incisively on the concerted effort by the left to thwart any attempt at improving voter verification, which includes activism aimed at intimidating lawmakers into accepting their skewed version of reality. One of the chief goals of this campaign is...
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