Stealing Elections

June 4, 2012

One of the more depressing elements of the current presidential race is the lack of any substantive-or for that matter, trivial-discussion of federal immigration policy. Aside from Mitt Romney’s refusal to endorse SB 1070-despite overwhelming support for the law among the American voters he is ostensibly trying to woo-there has been virtually no debate between the two presumptive party nominees about the utility or morality of immigration enforcement, let alone the value of unprecedented levels of legal immigration.

As Rick Oltman points out in the SF Immigration Examiner, this is a subject that can and should galvanize millions of Americans who are dissatisfied by President Obama’s amnesty by fiat. The fact that this issue has political resonance is so ineluctable that even mainstream media outlets which routinely push for open borders solutions acknowledge its truth, although their reductive reasoning leads them to typical generalizations regarding the hidden potency of the “Hispanic vote.”

A notable, and welcome, exception to the Republican Party’s timidity is Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, who serves as an informal advisor to the Romney campaign. In response to the Justice Department’s attempt to enfranchise thousands of illegal voters, he’s denounced the Obama administration’s concerted legal effort to stop voter verification laws from being implemented during the upcoming presidential election. The spurious argument that voter i.d. laws deprive legitimate voters of the franchise is in reality a thinly veiled attempt by Barack Obama and his surrogates to push the President’s flagging political campaign across the finish line.

Notwithstanding the implausible assertions by leftist activist groups, scores of cases of fraudulent voting have been documented-thousands of illegal votes being cast in Florida alone! The connection between this administration’s wholesale contempt for immigration enforcement and its insistence upon protecting the “rights”  of potentially hundreds of thousands of ineligible voters is undeniable. The ability of illegal aliens to manipulate the election process is so obvious that even John Fund-an exponent of unfettered immigration-has described it in encyclopedic detail.

Stealing elections is not a myth, it is reality. Thankfully, some public figures have not forgotten their responsibility to the American public and the integrity of our election process. Kudos to Kris Kobach for cutting through the politically charged fog and illuminating a deeply disturbing aspect of our electoral process.



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