Posts Tagged ‘ Secure Communities ’

Blind Justice

Blind Justice

As many of you who are followers of American Rattlesnake know, one of the most infuriating aspects of our nation’s unsecured borders is the number of violent crimes, including homicides, that are committed by illegal aliens who have evaded the criminal justice system precisely because of our government’s lax attitude towards their initial crime....
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America The Beautiful (Part II)

America The Beautiful (Part II)

Update: Watch video footage of the event taken by my friend, P.H. You can also find more photos she took here.  Update II: Read the entire story on The Silent Majority No More. Despite protestations to the contrary, which included repeated references to the “diverse” array of illegal aliens demanding that the government explicitly sanction...
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Bring Secure Communities Back To The Empire State

I just received an e-mail from the president of NY ICE which provides some good suggestions for voicing your displeasure with Governor Andrew Cuomo’s recent decision to gut Secure Communities in order to pander to illegal aliens and their advocates within New York State. Her press release is reproduced in full below.
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Secure Communities Under Attack

Secure Communities Under Attack

The assault against Secure Communities continues apace, as we learned yesterday from the Los Angeles Times. In a lopsided vote, the Los Angeles City Council decided to make participation in this successful immigration enforcement program purely voluntary; an idea that DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano has already scotched, at least rhetorically.
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Immigration’s Human Toll

Immigration’s Human Toll

In a story that expands upon the problems I highlighted a few days ago in my Governor Cuomo post, we now have learned that an illegal alien who had been previously deported twice is responsible for yet another needless death. As I’ve discussed extensively on this site in the past, the human cost of our government’s open...
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In news that should come as no surprise to people who are acquainted with our current governor’s history of making decisions that result in disastrous consequences for the American public, Andrew Cuomo has decided to withdraw from Secure Communities.
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New York’s Get Out Of Jail Free Card

New York’s Get Out Of Jail Free Card

I have some incredibly disturbing news to report to you today that entails gutting an effective program involving the collaboration of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency and the New York Department of Corrections. As many of you might know, one of the best means of apprehending and deporting criminal aliens is consistent cooperation between federal...
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Hold Illinois Lawmakers Accountable (Stop DREAM!)

Just got word of an upcoming protest against an attempt by the Illinois legislature to institute yet another statewide version of what is essentially a slightly watered-down DREAM Act. In addition to Governor Pat Quinn’s decision to opt out of Secure Communities, this decision merely illustrates the contempt Illinois politicians have for American citizens.
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Roll Tide

Roll Tide

We learned recently, courtesy of The Stein Report, that Alabama has finally adopted the Secure Communities initiative. Despite coming very, very late to the game,  this development is welcome news. Although not as stringent or effective as 287 (g), Secure Communities is still an improvement upon the de facto sanctuary given to criminal aliens throughout...
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Securing Our Home Town

In light of Senator Gregory Ball’s “controversial” hearings into the homeland security dilemmas currently facing our state, I thought I’d provide you with some footage of Frank Gaffney’s testimony.  The best argument on behalf of Senator Ball’s hearings is that they were condemned by the Council on American Islamic Relations, an off-shoot of the Islamic terror...
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