Posts Tagged ‘ Georgia ’

The Marxists of May

The Marxists of May

  Update: The Silent Majority No More has some great coverage of the May Day absurdity, which I urge you all to check out for yourselves! One of the perennial problems faced by the left is the inclination to either devolve into myopic, sectarian bands, or to remain so diffuse and broad in its...
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Europe’s Doormat

Dogmatism and obfuscation mark virtually any media discussion of the subject of immigration-a pattern which holds true both domestically and abroad-but Sky News managed to conduct a good interview of Nigel Farage, standard bearer for the UK Independence Party, nonetheless. The Week provides a brief summary of what caused  two caring English foster parents...
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Big Hate

Big Hate

The  Southern Poverty Law Center, as most of you already know, is one of the most heavily-cited media resources and noxious influences upon the body politic, especially as it pertains to  public debates over subjects such as immigration and the relationship between individual and state. When not inventing chimerical neo-Nazis and Klansman, defaming pro-Constitution...
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The Daily Rattle-Immigration News Summary For March 15, 2012

The Daily Rattle-Immigration News Summary For March 15, 2012

In today’s Rattle, we cover everything from the Obama administration’s continued dismantling of border security and immigration enforcement, to the trivialization of the Civil Rights Movement by the open borders left, to congressional oversight into Attorney General Eric Holder’s obstruction of justice in the Fast and Furious probe. But first, we look at the...
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Brian Bilbray Debates Dana Loesch on Amnesty

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Giving Thanks

Giving Thanks

  We at American Rattlesnake  would like to wish all of our followers a very contented and happy Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, there are many Americans who are pained by the absence of loved ones this holiday, including the family of Marizela Perez. More than eight months after this vivacious, precocious University of Washington student disappeared...
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Action Alert! Pass 3444!

Even as the Obama administration continues to flout the Constitution-and obstruct Congress-there are public servants dedicated to rolling back the innumerable benefits that come with being in this country illegally.  One such congressmen is Rep. Jack Kingston, who has introduced the Child Tax Credit Integrity Preservation Act of 2011, a bill that would deny...
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News Roundup

I just thought I’d get you caught up on some news you might have missed in the past week, starting with our neighbor to the south. -An editorial in Investor’s Business Daily highlights the disturbing possibility that Los Zetas are attempting to disrupt the upcoming Mexican presidential election. -In a related story, the L.A....
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Straw Men

Straw Men

Yesterday saw another setback to supporters of immigration enforcement, this time in the state of Georgia. A federal judge  has enjoined several key parts of a law we’ve discussed on American Rattlesnake previously. Modeled to a certain extent on Arizona’s landmark immigration law, SB 1070, the Georgia law would have allowed law enforcement officials to determine the...
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Through The Looking Glass

For those of you who might have labored under the misimpression that indentured servitude and wage slavery were bad things, Mayor Paul Bridges is here to correct your anachronistic perspective. Prepare to be enlightened: 
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