Posts Tagged ‘ ATF ’

Freedom Of Information

Freedom Of Information

For those of you who believed the carnage wrought by this administration’s criminally negligent-if not intentionally malicious-Fast and Furious program had ceased-or even abated-I have some troubling news to report. Thanks to the indefatigable attorneys at Judicial Watch we continue to discover weapons implicated in violent crimes which can be traced back to the...
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The Daily Rattle: Children’s Crusade Edition

The Daily Rattle: Children’s Crusade Edition

The mendacity of our current administration is at times stunning, even for those of us who should by now have become inured to the lies regurgitated by the Obama administration and its factotums for the better part of two terms. The disavowals by La Raza graduate Cecilia Munoz and village idiot Joe Biden notwithstanding,...
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Obama’s Enemies List

Obama’s Enemies List

This is what happens when the institutions of the state are permitted to run amok. If the fact that the ATF hasn’t fired a single person responsible for the Fast and Furious debacle, or its subsequent coverup, surprises you, then you probably haven’t been paying attention. The only people censured in this administration are those...
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Fast and Furious Fallout

Fast and Furious Fallout

The complicity of federal law enforcement agencies in Fast and Furious has been an issue ever since the scandal was revealed to the American public. Now comes word that the FBI has been implicated in the killing of Brian Terry, the Border Patrol agent whose death sparked the initial investigation into what has turned...
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With the unfortunate news that Eric Holder is going to remain in his position as head of the Department of Justice for the second Obama term-at least for the foreseeable future-it’s only fitting that we take a cursory glance at the defining moment of his tenure as Attorney General. I refer, of course, to...
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Fast and Furious Spin

Fast and Furious Spin

Well, it turns out that the “blockbuster” Fortune Magazine piece defaming ATF whistleblower John Dodson, while simultaneously exculpating the architects of Fast and Furious within the Obama administration from blame, was a pack of lies.  Try to contain your shock. It would seem that the statuary above was meant to depict the members of...
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The Payback (To Be Continued…)

No good deed goes unpunished, as those who blew the whistle on the Obama administration’s gun-walking debacle can tell you firsthand. Intimidation and obstruction is the norm, and honesty about criminal abuses by the feds is discouraged at all costs. Vince Cefalu is one of several former agents who’ve been punished for daring to question the illegal...
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Blood on the Border

Blood on the Border

Update: It’s believed by the FBI that the death of this Border Patrol agent was a case of friendly fire. Look for a link to the USA Today article in the comments section of this post.  Yet another deadly attack upon this nation’s Border Patrol agents, the first since the ambush of Brian Terry...
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Department of Obstruction

Department of Obstruction

Here’s the link to the full hearing of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, which resulted in Attorney General Eric Holder being held in contempt. Kudos to Chairman Issa and the twenty-two other Republicans-including Syracuse’s own Ann Marie Buerkle-who had the gumption to hold this administration to account for its obstruction of...
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Flout All The Laws!

With Senator John Cornyn now calling upon Eric Holder to resign, and a contempt citation in the offing, the chorus of voices demanding accountability from Barack Obama’s Department of Justice seems to have reached a critical mass. At the very least,  it has caused the current Attorney General to yield to Chairman Darrell Issa in at...
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