Posts Tagged ‘ The New Yorker ’

America’s Snake (Rattlesnake Reads)

America’s Snake (Rattlesnake Reads)

One of the most misunderstood creatures in this country is crotalus, a genus of venomous pit vipers most people simply call rattlesnakes. Crotalus horridus, also known as the timber rattlesnake or canebrake snake, epitomizes the deeply ambivalent relationship Americans have with this animal, which Benjamin Franklin considered a symbol of our nascent country-and which...
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No Platforming Half The Country

No Platforming Half The Country

Contrary to the misconceptions perpetuated by the news media, the latest Twitter purge is not confined to accounts belonging to the alt right. Nor is it targeted exclusively at those accounts which violate Twitter’s terms of service. As  acclaimed actor James Woods explained in his farewell to the social networking behemoth, this is actually...
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Personal and Public Ethics

Personal and Public Ethics

The resignation of John Kitzhaber should come as no surprise to those of us who’ve been monitoring the career of both he and his inamorata, whose recent past includes the disclosure of immigration fraud. A revelation that dovetailed perfectly with this particular couple’s militant open borders activism, including an ACLU-endorsed campaign to invest illegal...
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Greasing The Skids (Boehner’s Point-woman On Amnesty)

Greasing The Skids (Boehner’s Point-woman On Amnesty)

As most of you know by now, Speaker John Boehner’s recent hire has occasioned well-warranted criticism from opponents of the open borders agenda. You need do little more than skim the press release from her former employer to understand why the Speaker is taking on her services. However, the fact that the amnesty train...
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Drowned Hopes

Drowned Hopes

Yet another horrific shipwreck has occurred off the coast of the Mediterranean island of Lampedusa, which has become ground zero in the ongoing invasion of Europe by refugees from North Africa and the Middle East. You can view the harrowing rescue of some survivors here. The human tragedy-experienced both by the foreigners surging over the...
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The Paradox of the PMOI

The Paradox of the PMOI

One simple word which encapsulates the sum of the aspirations harbored by Iranians throughout the world, both those in exile and those living, and suffering, in the land of their birth. It was one of the demands invoked repeatedly throughout the pro-democracy demonstrations which took place last week at Dag Hammarskjold Plaza. These protests were held against...
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Provoking Putin

Provoking Putin

The conviction of and two year prison sentence leveled against anti-clerical, anti-authoritarian riot grrl punk-rock band Pussy Riot should not have come as a surprise to those who have been following the periodic show trials initiated by the Putin regime in order to quell swelling domestic discontent and internal protests. In spite of the inevitability...
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L’affaire Strauss-Khan

L’affaire Strauss-Khan

There are a number of lessons to be gleaned from the rapidly imploding criminal case against the former head of the International Monetary Fund, Dominique Strauss-Kahn. Beyond the usual, insincere breast-beating and lamentation over the media’s predictable rush to judgement, as well as questions of whether the traditional perp walk is a violation of...
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