Posts Tagged ‘ Daily Telegraph ’

The Daily Rattle (International Edition)

The Daily Rattle (International Edition)

While it seems like every major story on the planet involves the Trump administration, things have actually been rather interesting in the rest of the world. Under the leadership of former ski bum Justin Trudeau, our neighbor to the north seems to be embracing some of the values that have made Europe so inhospitable...
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Russian Ambassador Gunned Down

Russian Ambassador Gunned Down

Update: I’m not saying it’s an inside job, but… Erdogan reaches out.  The assassin was a member of the riot police, according to Turkey’s interior minister.  Syrian opposition celebrates the assassination.  The assailant-now deceased-appears to have been a Turkish policeman. Heckuva job, Erdogan!  Footage of what appears to be the assassination.  As if we...
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The Fight For The West

The Fight For The West

Two recent articles are worth reading in light of the conviction of Geert Wilders for voicing uncomfortable truths. One is an interview with the EU ambassador to the United States, David O’Sullivan. It’s worth noting his final answer, which unequivocally rejects the idea that another member state will sever ties with the European Union-despite...
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The Free Thought Project

The Free Thought Project

  Today sees an extremely important referendum take place in Hungary, one of several nations in the Central European bloc committed to maintaining its traditional European character. Earlier this year, Brenda Walker wrote a fantastic summary of what’s at stake in this vote, including in her piece a transcript of the speech Prime Minister...
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Common Sense (Germans Revolt Against Mama Merkel)

With the exception of his misstatement regarding Saarland, which the CDU controls, this is a nearly flawless analysis of the recent German state elections. One which dovetails with my own thinking, i.e. although characterized as a reactionary, xenophobic backlash, the resistance to Angela Merkel’s radical transformation of Germany spans the ideological spectrum and is...
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There Is No Alternative

There Is No Alternative

A few days ago we published a piece explaining then necessity of removing Angela Merkel from the levers of power in Germany. Even as the tentacles of George Soros attempt to brainwash Europeans into complaisantly accepting the ongoing invasion and subversion of their continent, the fact remains that it is European leaders-specifically Merkel-who are...
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Unhappy Anniversary

Unhappy Anniversary

Germany recently marked an ignominious anniversary, one which future generations of Germans-assuming there are any-will look back upon with shame and regret. I’m speaking, of course, about Angela Merkel’s decision to welcome over a million settlers from the Islamic world into the bosom of her country. The horrific consequences of this monumental decision have...
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2 Crimes

2 Crimes

Update: Suspect taken into custody. In Switzerland, however, the suspect has died of his wounds.  So far Swiss authorities have not come to the conclusion that the stabbing spree/arson attack on train passengers was linked to terrorism. Then again, we should recall that German and Scandinavian law enforcement have engaged in a systemic coverup...
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Clash of Cultures (The West’s Reckoning)

Clash of Cultures (The West’s Reckoning)

Update: Yes, I realize that this image macro has a typo, but there’s only so much proper grammar you can expect from people on the Internet.  One of the more  arresting scenes in Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s memoir takes place when she visits her dying father in a London hospital. A man that despised the...
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Leading From Behind

Leading From Behind

I have some thoughts on the Republican ticket, one of them slightly unconventional, but will save them for another day. It’s worthwhile spending a post on what’s occurring in the UK, which has important implications for the West going forward. Peter Hitchens sums up the surreal political dynamics at work within post-Brexit Great Britain....
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