Posts Tagged ‘ Charles Schumer ’

All Politics Is Local (The Daily Rattle)

All Politics Is Local (The Daily Rattle)

-We begin today’s rattle with an interesting story about an Indian-or Muslim, depending upon PR needs of the open borders squad-athlete who was ushered into this country by our very own Senator Chuck Schumer. Unfortunately, this gifted sportsman is also a sex offender. Perhaps this isn’t quite as bad as having an alien interning...
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Live Free or Die

Live Free or Die

  Update: According to CNN projections Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders have emerged victorious from tonight’s primary. Notch one for the notoriously inaccurate polling industry!  We’ll see whether New Hampshire lives up to its state motto later tonight, although the pickings are rather slim in this regard. You can follow the undoubtedly dubious exit polling data...
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Day 1 Of The Loretta Lynch Hearings

Day 1 Of The Loretta Lynch Hearings

  Update: Power Line has a great recap of the Sessions-Lynch exchange, which demonstrates why this nominee is so unsuited for the position she aspires to hold.  Senator Jeff Sessions displaying why he should be in charge of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Watch them live.
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Republican Voters vs. Republican Politicians

Republican Voters vs. Republican Politicians

As the White House contemplates an expansion of its constitutionally dubious administrative amnesty, it’s worth taking a look at how the treason lobby’s Republican accomplices are dealing with the public’s repudiation of their most cherished legislative priority, i.e. opening the spigot to an endless stream of cheap, imported labor. A particularly revealing exchange happened...
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The Plot Thickens

The Plot Thickens

This is one of the few times, unfortunately, when I believe the President.
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Shut Out Of The Job Market

The forces behind the worst piece of immigration legislation since the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act are hard at work. It’s time that patriotic citizens began to resist the elites’ drive to immiserate the American public and burden future generations with incalculable debts. Start asking questions, and  start demanding that your congressman explain...
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The End Of Equality

The End Of Equality

One of the most incisive, astute observers of the growing income inequality and stratification that characterizes large portions of this nation’s economy is writer Mickey Kaus. Unique among his colleagues for being a prominent voice within the mainstream media and yellow dog Democrat who opposes the mass, unskilled immigration which the institutional left and...
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House Republican Conference (Kill The Bill!)

The House Republicans have scheduled a special conference to discuss immigration reform tomorrow afternoon. This is the perfect opportunity to let your sentiments regarding the Gang of Eight monstrosity lumbering through Congress be known.
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The Cost of Amnesty

The Cost of Amnesty

The shortcomings of Sean Hannity as a cable news host and interviewer are widely known, yet he deserves some credit for interviewing Dennis Michael Lynch, despite his network’s seeming embargo of any information critical of its CEO’s dogmatic open borders agenda, on the day America celebrated its independence from its colonial master, Great Britain. You...
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Secure The Border (Oppose S.744)

  Breitbart News had fantastic live coverage of both Representative Steve King’s press conference and the Tea Party-led Audit the IRS rally yesterday. Despite encountering resistance from the Capitol police, hundreds of patriotic conservatives were able to listen to Rep. King’s message of securing the border  period, not first, or in addition to. Kudos...
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