News and Analysis

Stand With Arizona

June 28, 2012
Stand With Arizona

As always, American Rattlesnake stands with Sheriff Joe, Governor Jan Brewer, and the good people of Arizona. 

Even as Janet Napolitano’s flunkies and the Obama administration continue their war against Arizona, the vast majority of ordinary Americans, and rank and file ICE agents,  stand for law and order and against an illegal invasion aided and abetted by elected and unelected officials in Washington D.C. We stand with them as well. 



June 26, 2012

My apologies for not addressing the proverbial elephant in the room, but I’ve been busy debating the other side for the past few days. I’ll post my thoughts on the Supreme Court’s momentous decision-along with some helpful links-in the days ahead, but until then, enjoy a lively exchange on the subject of immigration with our good friend Alex Nowrasteh, of the Competitive Enterprise Institute, and a testy discussion with the not-so-friendly Richard Bey, former host of the Mr. Punyverse and constitutional scholar.


June 24, 2012

Secretary of State Kris Kobach explains in detail just why the Obama administration acts in contempt of the law, and we discover why the misleading declaration that it will only benefit 800,000 illegal immigrants is a blatant distortion of the facts.

Facts Are Stubborn Things

June 23, 2012

As John Adams once said. This quotation is especially relevant today, when we have an administration that refuses to acknowledge them even when called to account  by the Congress of the United States. Rep. Trey Gowdy lays out just why Attorney General Eric Holder was sanctioned by the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform this week. 

Department of Obstruction

June 21, 2012
Department of Obstruction

Here’s the link to the full hearing of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, which resulted in Attorney General Eric Holder being held in contempt. Kudos to Chairman Issa and the twenty-two other Republicans-including Syracuse’s own Ann Marie Buerkle-who had the gumption to hold this administration to account for its obstruction of congressional investigations into what is potentially the most consequential presidential scandal since Watergate. It’s good to know that at least a few of our elected officials are doing the jobs for which they are paid out of our tax dollars.

Flout All The Laws!

June 18, 2012

With Senator John Cornyn now calling upon Eric Holder to resign, and a contempt citation in the offing, the chorus of voices demanding accountability from Barack Obama’s Department of Justice seems to have reached a critical mass. At the very least,  it has caused the current Attorney General to yield to Chairman Darrell Issa in at least one bureaucratic skirmish, although as the American Thinker points out, this  gambit might very well be simply another move in an orchestrated campaign of obstruction of justice on the part of the current administration. 

Another reason for the illusory cooperation on the part of Mr. Holder might be the willingness of Justice Department employees to come forward as whistleblowers and refute the falsehood that gunwalking was not linked to the disastrous Fast and Furious operation which resulted in so many deaths, including that of Border Patrol agent Brian Terry.  We can only hope that these truth-tellers fare better than Vince Cefalu, a career ATF agent who was fired once he publicly voiced criticism of Project Gunrunner

Whatever comes of the latest confrontation between Congress and a recalcitrant Department of Justice, one thing that is certain is that this administration will not looking be for guidance in the Constitution. After all, as even its liberal supporters acknowledge, President Obama does not like following the law. Bully for us!

Stand Up, Speak Out

June 16, 2012

I’ll delve more deeply into President Obama’s Unemployment For Americans Act in future updates, but today I’d like to highlight a speech made by the intrepid Michelle Malkin at this weekend’s Right Online conference. It’s particularly apt in light of the President’s continued policy of lashing out at dissenters-not a new phenomenon, unfortunately-such as the Daily Caller’s Neil Munro.

Find more videos of Right Online at The Right Scoop.


What You Can Do

North Carolina and the Nation

August 10, 2012
North Carolina and the Nation

Over the past two years Americans have seen the issue of illegal immigration take center stage after being relegated to the periphery of national political debate for so many years.

The divided-and misleadingly named-Arizona vs. U.S. Supreme Court decision, which upheld one key enforcement provision of SB 1070 while invalidating others, the unilateral administrative amnesty which the Obama administration has used to bypass Congress, and the systematic abandonment of federal immigration law by individual states-including New York-have all brought the battle over American sovereignty to a head in this volatile election year.  Read More »

Stolen Lives

August 4, 2012

As most of you know, the tragedies caused by our government’s negligence in immigration enforcement are manifold. The victimes of illegal alien crime are nearly incalculable and grow by the hour.  That’s why the initiative created by proud Texan Maria Espinoza, The Stolen Lives Quilt, is so vital at this time. I’ll let Joanna Marzullo, of New York Ice, explain how you can view the quilt.   Read More »

Act Against The ATT

July 16, 2012

In a little over a week, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will convene with other opponents of individual liberties under the umbrella of the Global Arms Trade Treaty (ATT). Although billed as a multinational effort to curb the proliferation of weapons used in conflicts like the insurrection in Syria or the turmoil in the Sahel, the actual goal-as explained by Wayne LaPierre in an illuminating speech to the United Nations-is to deprive individuals of their natural right to self defense and our  historical and biblical right to take up arms against tyrannical authority.

Although a majority of members of the United States Senate have already spoken out against the ATT, it’s imperative that we stiffen the spine of Congress, especially since its resistance to this administration’s unconstitutional acts has been sorely lacking. That’s why I urge you all to sign the petition against this treaty that is hosted on Dick Morris’s website.

Our rights are only protected to the extent that we’re willing to defend them. It’s time to stand up for them once again!




A Nightmarish Dream

June 20, 2012

With the Obama administration’s unilateral decision to ratify what up to this point had merely been a de facto amnesty-literally interpreting catch and release-and the cravenly insipid Republican response to the President’s latest patently unconstitutional power grab, patriotic Americans wouldn’t be blamed for feeling powerless when it comes to protecting their country.

Judicial intervention to restrain executive overreach seems highly unlikely, and the spigot for future illegal aliens continues to flow in the form of student and tourist visas, over 100,000 of them granted to our friends from Saudi Arabia-remember them-within a single week! Even so, there are ways of resisting the advances of those who would benefit from our country’s demise. Read More »

Taking Life

June 15, 2012
Our good friend Michael Cutler hosts an important program-especially newsworthy in light of recent developments-later tonight. I urge you all to tune in.  Read More »
