Posts Tagged ‘ Robert Menendez ’

All Politics Is Local (The Daily Rattle)

All Politics Is Local (The Daily Rattle)

-We begin today’s rattle with an interesting story about an Indian-or Muslim, depending upon PR needs of the open borders squad-athlete who was ushered into this country by our very own Senator Chuck Schumer. Unfortunately, this gifted sportsman is also a sex offender. Perhaps this isn’t quite as bad as having an alien interning...
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Honest Bob

Honest Bob

Robert Menendez’s “I am not a crook” presser, following his indictment by the Justice Department, pretty much ran to form, including his personal Hispandering simultaneous translation en Español. One of the underreported ironies of this story is the fact that some of the charges revolve around a scheme whereby the Soprano State’s Senator demanded visas for his benefactor’s foreign...
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Stop The Gang Of Eight

Notwithstanding the musings of Senator Robert Menendez-a man whose employment of an illegal alien sex offender illustrates the perils of leaving immigration to the discretion of this administration-the amnesty crafted by the Gang of Eight remains on course for passage by a majority of the U.S. Senate.
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NY ICE Protest In Jersey City

April 6, 2013, Jersey City, NJ.  NY ICE and their supporters counter-protested the push for legislative amnesty in Liberty Park, Jersey City.  The above footage is from that Jersey City counter-protest.  The footage will show Jersey police ushering NY ICE away from where they were standing, but the area was a public park. A NY...
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Labor Pains

Labor Pains

With the resignation of Labor Secretary Hilda Solis, it’s instructive to take a brief look over the Obama administration’s  labor policy priorities these past four years. Although the prime objectives of organized labor, such as the enactment of card check legislation, never saw the light of day during President Obama’s first term, labor unions...
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What Should Be Done in 2013?

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Breaking The Law

Breaking The Law

One of the hallmarks of the Obama administration throughout its first term has been deception. The compulsion of the President and his surrogates to deny, obfuscate, and blatantly deceive the press corps, their political opponents-even, on occasion, their political allies-and the American public is beyond dispute. That Barack Obama is willing to stand behind his attorney general,...
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Wake Up Call

Wake Up Call

The conference call between DREAM Act sponsors and DREAM Act supporters, which I mentioned in my last activism update, occurred last night. You can download the entire conversation here.
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Find Out What The Opposition Is Thinking

And what they’re planning. Dream Act supporters in Congress will be collaborating with DREAMers from across the country tonight! For more information about how you can participate, and discover what means they’ll use to push this potentially disastrous bill through the United States Senate, go here.
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DREAM Act Links

Some good discussions about the DREAM Act have occurred lately, most of which I’ll try to hit in this post.
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