Posts Tagged ‘ The Daily Signal ’

The Laboratory Of Bad Ideas

The Laboratory Of Bad Ideas

H.L. Mencken once wrote that “every election is an advance auction of stolen goods.” Perhaps no polity better illustrates this maxim than New York, where the wealth of taxpaying citizens is routinely plundered  in order to sate the avarice of large, concentrated blocs of voters, i.e. looters. We’ve become inured to this political cycle,...
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There Will Be Blood

There Will Be Blood

Like any petty tyrant worth his salt, John Boehner bides his time before exacting retribution upon those brave enough to stand up to his misrule. After ushering Obamatrade through the House of Representatives, the current Speaker has decided to punish conservatives who defied his authority. Are you beginning to notice a pattern? Don’t say...
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Breaking The Law

Breaking The Law

The Obama administration has spent the balance of its second term vivisecting what remains of the Constitution, which shouldn’t have come as much of a surprise to anyone who’s followed the President’s dismal view of our nation’s legal cornerstone.
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The 114th Session Of Congress

The 114th Session Of Congress

Update: Obama’s facilitator scrapes by. The Daily Signal has the final vote count.  Let the retribution begin.  Watch the opening live on C-Span. Will John Boehner survive to continue his Pelosi-like reign over the House of Representatives? You’ll have to watch to find out.
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Bye Bye Boehner

Bye Bye Boehner

Although the prospect of replacing the current Speaker of the House looks grim at the moment-especially from an historical standpoint-the fact remains that there is widespread dissatisfaction with the leadership, such as it is, of John Boehner. If the quarter of a million letters demanding that he be replaced weren’t an indication of that...
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Libertad (Two Stories Of Hope And Achievement)

Libertad (Two Stories Of Hope And Achievement)

The day after Christmas-Boxing Day, for those of you in the Commonwealth of Nations-seems like an appropriate time for two inspiring stories which exemplify what this country stands for. Namely, freedom and the opportunity to pursue your dreams, both for yourself and your loved ones. Yasiel Puig, the superstar outfielder currently playing for the...
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Corruption In High Places

Corruption In High Places

There’s nothing that defines this administration as much as its lack of transparency, and its handling of immigration policy is no exception to this rule. Which is why we recommend reading the account by the Center for Investigative Reporting of James F. Tomsheck’s explosive allegations regarding corruption within the bureaucracy of U.S. Customs and...
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Republican Voters vs. Republican Politicians

Republican Voters vs. Republican Politicians

As the White House contemplates an expansion of its constitutionally dubious administrative amnesty, it’s worth taking a look at how the treason lobby’s Republican accomplices are dealing with the public’s repudiation of their most cherished legislative priority, i.e. opening the spigot to an endless stream of cheap, imported labor. A particularly revealing exchange happened...
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