Posts Tagged ‘ SEIU-1199 ’

Hating on the Kochs

Hating on the Kochs

Update: Our good friend Pamela Hall has more photo and video coverage of the event on her fantastic website, The Silent Majority No More. I highly recommend checking it out for yourself. The police presence at the anti-voter verification rally that took place in Manhattan this weekend was pretty substantial, although it still wasn’t...
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Voting Rights and Wrongs

Voting Rights and Wrongs

“Martyrs” — That was one of the many signs on display during an NAACP and SEIU-sponsored rally that took place this weekend  in opposition to David and Charles Koch, CEO and Executive Vice-President, respectively, of Koch Industries and universal left wing hobgoblins. The ostensible reason for the demonstration was the brothers’ contributions to the American Legislative Exchange Council,...
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Thoughts on Occupy Wall Street

Thoughts on Occupy Wall Street

  One of the more intriguing aspects of New York City is the confluence, and at times, confrontation of different ideas and individuals that occur on a daily basis. Today I found myself observing and photographing this phenomenon in lower Manhattan, which has been the staging point for the protests staged by Occupy Wall Street for...
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A Very Special Election

A Very Special Election

I’d like to use today’s post to echo the sentiments expressed by our publisher yesterday. As someone who once lived within the confines of the 9th Congressional District when it was represented by Chuck Schumer, one of the most irresponsible, worst actors in our nation’s immigration debate, I can’t urge you strongly enough to go...
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Weprin Gets Desperate

Weprin Gets Desperate

  A last minute storefront office for David Weprin, Democratic nominee for the 9th NY Congressional district, has popped up in Forest Hills.  The storefront, in a vacated beauty parlour, is a hundred feet from Queens Democratic headquarters and around the corner from former Repesentative Anthony Weiner’s old apartment.  It is organized by SEIU...
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DREAM Act Links

Some good discussions about the DREAM Act have occurred lately, most of which I’ll try to hit in this post.
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NYICE Counter-Protests In Support of SB 1070

NYICE Counter-Protests In Support of SB 1070

There is opposition to illegal immigration, even at pro-illegal immigration rallies. On July 8th, the New York Immigration Coalition, a group sympathetic to illegal aliens and supporters of immigration amnesty, held a rally outside the offices of Major League Baseball (MLB).  The protest rally was against the state of Arizona and the passage of...
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