Posts Tagged ‘ Saudi Arabia ’

Electing A New People

Electing A New People

I took the image you see above in my old stomping grounds of Bay Ridge, which has earned the moniker Beirut in recent years, for obvious reasons. Aside from the Alpine Theater-which was in danger of being added to the adjacent mosque at one point-and Galaxy Comics, you would be hard-pressed to find a...
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Youtube Politics

Youtube Politics

If a picture is worth a thousand words, the value of a moving image is incalculable. That’s why the impact of a website like Youtube should never be underestimated. Although often marginalized as an endless repository for cat videos and dwindling supply of unlicensed songs and films, the truth is that Youtube, especially since...
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Missed Connections (Ted Cruz Flops On GMA)

Missed Connections (Ted Cruz Flops On GMA)

We’ve come to expect dissimulation and manipulation from the news media in our country, especially major commercial and public broadcasting networks, national newspapers and prominent Web aggregators such as the Huffington Post and Buzzfeed. We’ve seen this repeatedly in foreign affairs coverage, which has led to a host of disastrous policy decisions in countries ranging...
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Open Borders Ad Perpetuam

Open Borders Ad Perpetuam

It’s funny how the most vociferous supporters of importing Syrian and Middle Eastern refugees to the West don’t seem to care that much about the official indifference of the extraordinarily wealthy Gulf Arab states. Which, to be blunt, have been less than helpful in alleviating the suffering of those streaming into Europe. Even the...
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Netanyahu Speaks (Iranian Nuclear Proliferation)

Netanyahu Speaks (Iranian Nuclear Proliferation)

Update: The Editor-in-Chief of Al Arabiya English weighs in. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses a joint session of Congress today. Watch it live. 
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The STEM Mirage

Our friend Michael Cutler once again debunks the enduring myth of a STEM shortage which can only be remedied through a surfeit of H1-B visa immigrants. He also touches upon the Camp of the Saints strategy being pursued by the Obama administration, in concert with tens of thousands of Mexicans trying to secure amnesty...
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Independence Day 2013

Independence Day 2013

Today marks the 257th anniversary of the day when the Declaration of Independence was finalized and officially published. On a day when we celebrate the founding of a unique experiment in self-governance, it’s only appropriate that we examine how far we have strayed from the ideals that animated our unique republic’s founding. From the...
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Too Much Of A Good Thing

Too Much Of A Good Thing

Video of Frank Gaffney’s speech can be found on Urban Infidel. One of the unofficial mottos of the United States, this phrase-which is minted on this country’s coins and emblazoned upon our paper bills-embodies the common heritage of the American nation, which was created from the union of thirteen distinct, unique former British colonies....
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Freedom To Think

Freedom To Think

  Today marks the eleventh anniversary of the catastrophic attacks upon the Pentagon and World Trade Center, as well as the thwarted assault aimed at the U.S. Capitol, which led to the loss of thousands of lives and introduced millions of Americans to the apocalyptic ideology of Al Qaeda and assorted Sunni jihadists.
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A Nightmarish Dream

With the Obama administration’s unilateral decision to ratify what up to this point had merely been a de facto amnesty-literally interpreting catch and release-and the cravenly insipid Republican response to the President’s latest patently unconstitutional power grab, patriotic Americans wouldn’t be blamed for feeling powerless when it comes to protecting their country. Judicial intervention...
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