This entry was posted on December 7, 2014 at 7:21 PM and is filed under News and Analysis. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
Good job, Gerard! You were outnumbered, but you kept your ground. The old law-school adage says that deciding cases involving widows or orphans [or the elderly or the infirm] often makes bad law. Progressives believe they intuitively “know” what’s right, but their emotions and righteous outrage affects the legal-system’s decision-making process by creating cracks and loopholes that immediately get filled by corruption every time it happens.
Good job, Gerard! You were outnumbered, but you kept your ground. The old law-school adage says that deciding cases involving widows or orphans [or the elderly or the infirm] often makes bad law. Progressives believe they intuitively “know” what’s right, but their emotions and righteous outrage affects the legal-system’s decision-making process by creating cracks and loopholes that immediately get filled by corruption every time it happens.