Posts Tagged ‘ YNET News ’

Iranian and Syrian Freedom

Iranian and Syrian Freedom

One of the fascinating aspects of living in this city is that, for good or ill, you’re exposed to a whole raft of ideologies and political philosophies of which, but for location, you might have remained blissfully ignorant in perpetuity. Granted, some of us choose to remain mired in a state of ignorance notwithstanding...
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The Enemy Within

The Enemy Within

When the subject of illegal Palestinians living inside of Israel is broached, we more often than not view it through the prism of  terrorism directed against the Jewish state. Considering the collaboration between Israeli Arabs and Islamic terrorist organizations in the region, such as Hamas or Hezbollah, that’s not an altogether baseless concern.
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We Wish You A Merry Eid?

We Wish You A Merry Eid?

One of the more disturbing developments in recent years has been the concretization of an alliance between the multiculturalist left and reactionary Islam that has existed in one form or another for decades. Perhaps the ground zero of this phenomenon is the snowbound state of Minnesota.
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