Posts Tagged ‘ U.S. Constitution ’

We The People (Indie Republican Constitutional Workshop)

We The People (Indie Republican Constitutional Workshop)

One of the finest organizations promoting Constitutional education is the New York City Indie Republicans, a group I’ve had the pleasure of speaking before in the past.
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Staten Island Rallies Against the NY SAFE Act

Staten Island Rallies Against the NY SAFE Act

Update: You can also read coverage of the event by the Staten Island Advance. The events of the past week have prevented us from discussing an issue dear to the hearts of many of our followers. Namely, the continuing, deliberate assault by public officials upon the intrinsic liberties of Americans. Specifically, the right to...
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Act Against The ATT

In a little over a week, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will convene with other opponents of individual liberties under the umbrella of the Global Arms Trade Treaty (ATT). Although billed as a multinational effort to curb the proliferation of weapons used in conflicts like the insurrection in Syria or the turmoil in the...
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Petty Tyranny

Petty Tyranny

As I mentioned in my previous entry, I attended yesterday’s small, yet spirited, rally against the decision by the Board of Health-at Chairman Bloomberg’s urging-to prohibit the sale of sugary drinks above 16 ounces at restaurants and food carts throughout New York City. There were many civically-minded New Yorkers in the crowd-such as the man...
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The November Crime Blotter

Today we’re introducing a new feature on American Rattlesnake: the Crime Blotter. It’s where we’ll catalogue the litany of crimes committed by illegal aliens whom the federal government, in its infinite wisdom, has decided not to deport. If you have any news about absconders who’ve subsequently committed crimes, feel free to send your tips at...
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Occupy Wall Street (Part IV)

Occupy Wall Street (Part IV)

This will be my fourth photo essay documenting the encampment at Zuccotti Park. After embedding themselves within this section of lower Manhattan for well over a month, the protest movement known as Occupy Wall Street has developed into a small, albeit extremely controversial, community. While I was walking around the park I did notice...
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Welcome to American Rattlesnake

Today inaugurates an experiment that will hopefully mark a turning point in the debate over the intertwined issues of mass immigration and illegal aliens’ presence in our society, both subjects that have been largely ignored or obscured by the chattering class and open-borders elite which shape public opinion in this country. 
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Slanting The Story

Slanting The Story

An article in the L.A. Times today carries a slightly misleading headline implying that the legal community believes that SB 1070 is patently unconstitutional, and the debate is not even close as a matter of law. The actual piece, however, potrays a slightly different story.
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