Posts Tagged ‘ The Religion of Peace ’

New Year, New Jihad

New Year, New Jihad

Update: Tommy Robinson right again, the perp arrived in Turkey via Syria.  ISIS claims responsibility.  Burying the dead.  Graphic photos of the Istanbul massacre.  A profile of the victims of jihad.  For good ongoing overage of this attack, follow Abdullah Bozkurt’s Twitter feed. One of the most exasperating parts of following news coverage of the latest...
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The War On Christmas (And Christians)

It seems like the Truck of Peace has struck yet again, adding to the nearly 21,000 lives extinguished by this most quiescent, moderate of religions. The ISIS-inspired murderer is on the loose, naturally, although the BBC will be relieved to know that the offending lorry has been taken into custody. As the Alternative for...
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Honoring The Fallen

Honoring The Fallen

  CNN is one of those ubiquitous aspects of the American soundscape which I’ve always looked upon as part of our gradual cultural decline. Whether you’re in a dentist’s waiting room, or simply passing by a restaurant on your way home-as I was this weekend-you can’t help but overhear one of that network’s correspondents,...
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Decrypting Media Code (Tommy Robinson Explainer)

Leave it to Gavin McInnes to give us an overview of the latest persecution of an English patriot which is both edifying and hilarious. He has pinned down the animating force behind the media-driven vilification of men like Tommy Robinson and those who populate the English Defense League, which is in large measure a...
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The Meccan War Criminal (PBUH)

The Meccan War Criminal (PBUH)

The graphic above is taken from the brilliant Cognitive Bias Parade, which is one of many online venues that have chosen to show their solidarity with the 12 martyrs of Charlie Hebdo by embracing the satirical defiance which so aggrieves the soldiers of Allah. The insincere protestations of America’s intellectual gatekeepers notwithstanding, the reaction...
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One of the most astute, prolific critics of the growing threat posed by Islamism to the United Kingdom-and the West in general-is Douglas Murray. Some of you might remember him from the Intelligence Squared debate where he teamed up with human rights activist and apostate from Islam Ayaan Hirsi Ali to refute the proposition...
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The Chechen-American Dream

  He didn’t find himself in America, because it’s not easy! O Rly?  It seems like the theories espoused by the Muslim Brotherhood-in Arabic, of course-are shared by its Sunni brethren from the Caucasus, perhaps unsurprisingly. Here’s a very abbreviated list of popular conspiracy theories believed by millions of Muslims throughout the world. Something...
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Manufactured Reality

Manufactured Reality

One of the chief distinctions between the anti-Israel rally and the slightly smaller, yet equally exuberant, pro-Israel counter-demonstration held in Times Square this weekend was the sentiments expressed by the participants. While the former vocalized their antipathy towards Israel and the United States and demanded ordinary Israelis be punished-through measures such as the BDS...
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The First Freedom

The First Freedom

Truth wins out. So much for the freelance Mukhabarat’s efforts at squelching Pamela Geller’s voice.  For more on the arrest of a former Guardian journalist-shocking, I know-who’s as conversant with the 1st Amendment as Barack Obama is with comparative religion and American history, check out updated coverage from Jihad Watch, which includes the New York...
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Part II: Albion Under Siege (SION Conference)

Part II: Albion Under Siege (SION Conference)

The global jihad against speech-aided and abetted by our enemedia-was the primary subject of discussion at the SION conference this past Tuesday, and the panels assembled represented the full spectrum of thought and action that is being suppressed as a result of the collaboration between government officials-both elected and unelected-intent on “managing” our ever-diminishing pool of  liberty, the custodians...
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