Posts Tagged ‘ NBPC ’

Unaccompanied Minors: The Real Deal

  Rep. Steve King, once again, puts things into perspective.
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The Daily Rattle: Children’s Crusade Edition

The Daily Rattle: Children’s Crusade Edition

The mendacity of our current administration is at times stunning, even for those of us who should by now have become inured to the lies regurgitated by the Obama administration and its factotums for the better part of two terms. The disavowals by La Raza graduate Cecilia Munoz and village idiot Joe Biden notwithstanding,...
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The World Turned Upside Down

The unilateral, unconstitutional pardon of illegal aliens that this administration has been implementing over the past year, and which has been extended throughout ICE and the Border Patrol, continues apace, as the video below describes. As far as President Obama and this Department of Justice are concerned, the law is no impediment.
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Open Door Policy

Open Door Policy

Our good friend Andy Ramirez, founder and president of the Law Enforcement Officers Advocates Council, is back with a new edition of the Liberty News Network which exposes the duplicity, ineptitude, and malfeasance of David Aguilar, President Obama’s handpicked choice to head U.S. Customs and Border Protection. It should come as no surprise that the...
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The Daily Rattle (2011 New Year’s Edition)

The Daily Rattle (2011 New Year’s Edition)

Our last Rattle of 2011 runs the gamut, all the way from an immigration enforcement success in Pennsylvania to a disappointing judicial setback in South Carolina. However, we begin the final roundup of the year with a must-read essay in The American Conservative by W. James Antle III. It looks at the immigration scorecard...
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Most of you who are regular readers of American Rattlesnake are aware of our continuing focus on the plight of Border Patrol Agent Jesus Diaz. Now, it appears that Agent Diaz has been convicted and given a two year prison sentence for arresting a fifteen year-old, illegal alien drug smuggler. This prosecution, and ultimately...
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