Posts Tagged ‘ Medicare ’

Russian Emigres Scam Insurance Companies For $250 Million

Russian Emigres Scam Insurance Companies For $250 Million

  As health care costs keep rising, a good part of that rise is due to insurance fraud.  According to the New York Times, 10 doctors, in 9 separate clinics, funneling money  through a total of 105 different corporations conspired to defraud private insurance programs for over $250 million.  And this plot is just the...
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Newt Meets His Public

Newt Meets His Public

The photograph above is, of course, one of former Speaker of the House and current Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich. He was in town to sign his new book, A Nation Like No Other, along with his wife, who has a book of her own. But the most important part of his visit was...
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Keynes vs. Hayek: The Debate Continues

Keynes vs. Hayek: The Debate Continues

Such was the title of a debate held at the Asia Society, sponsored by Thomson Reuters, which I attended several weeks ago. Coming at a time of agonizing societal fissures arising from debates over austerity, stimulus, and the wisdom of government intervention into the economy, this event pitting the backers of a Hayekian view...
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The Enemy Within

The Enemy Within

When the subject of illegal Palestinians living inside of Israel is broached, we more often than not view it through the prism of  terrorism directed against the Jewish state. Considering the collaboration between Israeli Arabs and Islamic terrorist organizations in the region, such as Hamas or Hezbollah, that’s not an altogether baseless concern.
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