Posts Tagged ‘ Martin O’Malley ’

The Hawkeye State (Decision ’16)

The Hawkeye State (Decision ’16)

    Update: Senator Cruz has emerged victorious, with Donald Trump and Marco Rubio rounding out the top 3, while Hillary Clinton and her socialist opponent are virtually even with nearly all of the precincts counted.  The Guardian is tracking the Iowa vote as it comes in. Follow the county-by-county results here.  Breitbart is providing...
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The Road To The White House

The Road To The White House

I realize my thoughts on the upcoming presidential race have not been expressed too often on this site-despite the Iowa Caucuses being less than 2 weeks away-but I have written an essay about how I think the next few months will unfold.
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Civil Rights Heroes

Civil Rights Heroes

For a party which purports to have the best interests of African-Americans at heart, and which lobbies tirelessly for their votes-when it’s convenient, it should be noted-the Democrats have a shocking lack of empathy for black Americans. At least, those in the working class who are seeking gainful employment while competing against millions of...
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The Elephant in the Room

  Unsurprisingly, the most important domestic issue of our time was completely ignored during last night’s Democratic presidential debate. Numbers USA and Roy Beck, as usual, did a great job highlighting the negative consequences of mass immigration, even if the pathetic moderators working for ABC News let the candidates skate on this subject. What...
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Setting the Record Straight

  It’s not being done by our captive press corps, which continues to manipulate and distort in order to achieve its preferred legislative outcomes. And it’s not being done by the craven members of Congress, who are quietly looking to eviscerate E-Verify even as they reward illegal aliens with benefits above and beyond what they’ve...
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There is great news to report from the state of Maryland, which recently enacted a law that would have granted illegal aliens in-state college tuition. At a time when this country-as well as that state-is mired in a deep recession, and college students are encumbered by thousands of dollars in student loan debt, the...
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