Posts Tagged ‘ Jerry Brown ’

Attention Californians! (Stop The California Dream Act)

The deadline for submitting petitions to put the repeal of AB 131 on the ballot is almost here. Download a copy of the AB 131 Referendum Petition and submit it if you want to see this issue decided by California voters. Assemblyman Tim Donnelly has provided all the information necessary in order to complete...
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Volunteers Needed to Repeal AB 131!

Update: I’ve added more locations in San Diego where you can drop off and/or sign petitions in San Diego and Los Angeles counties tomorrow and Thursday. Hat Tip: JohnDoe2 of ALIPAC. In a state like California, the causes of patriotic immigration enforcement and protecting taxpayer wealth need all the help they can get. That’s why I’m imploring...
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Stop AB 131

Those of you who’ve been following the steady erosion of citizenship taking place in the formerly golden state are probably aware of the recently enacted California Dream Act, which grants in-state tuition to illegal aliens attending public universities. We at American Rattlesnake have attempted to expose the inequities of this law, which replicates many...
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California Dreaming

California Dreaming

It looks like the bill that would increase California’s already calamitous financial and economic woes has been signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown. One legislative analysis predicted the bill will cost an additional $40 million to help students who qualify by graduating from a California high school after having attended school in the state for at...
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Policy Priorities

Policy Priorities

  I’ve been remiss in addressing this subject, but I think that the recent Supreme Court decision mandating the eventual release of thousands of prisoners currently incarcerated in California’s penal system is worth commenting upon for several reasons.
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Beefing Up Employer Verification

Beefing Up Employer Verification

An interesting article published in today’s Wall Street Journal explores the efforts of the Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement to punish businesses that employ illegal aliens.
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