Posts Tagged ‘ Jacob Javits Federal Building ’

Speaking Truth To The Mob

New York Ice demonstrated once again this weekend why it is the premier anti-illegal immigration activist group  in the Northeast when they confronted the usual suspects demanding that we allow our nation to be invaded. You can find more videos from the counter-protest on Youtube, and some fantastic photo sets from the incomparable Pamela...
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Taking it to the Streets

Taking it to the Streets

Just a reminder: NY ICE will be holding its anti-amnesty counter protest tomorrow at twelve noon! I’m sure that the New York City Council’s decision to confer legitimacy upon potential criminals, at the expense of taxpaying citizens, as well as the current administration’s latest threat to subvert the Constitution and the rule of law,...
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Action Alert (Pro-Amnesty March At The End of June)

From Joanna Marzullo, founder and president of New Yorkers for Immigration Control and Enforcement, comes word of an upcoming pro-amnesty rally slated to take place in lower Manhattan. Chances are this one will ape open borders outbursts of years past. The details can be found after the jump! 
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Stolen Lives (National Day of Remembrance)

Stolen Lives (National Day of Remembrance)

Update: Here’s a link to a story our good friend at The Silent Majority No More wrote describing a vigil NY ICE held on the first National Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Illegal Aliens. Scroll down for video footage of the event.  Today is the second annual National Day of Remembrance for...
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Support Arizona

  I just received word of a rally taking place this thursday protesting SB 1070, whose anniversary happens to occur later this week. The president of New Yorkers For Immigration Control and Enforcement has decided to stage a counter-demonstration in order to show our support for the efforts of Governor Jan Brewer and the...
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