Recovering and Rebuilding

May 22, 2013


As expected, the Senate Judiciary Committee officially rubber-stamped the Gang of Eight proposal through to the full Senate yesterday. With the assent of Mitch McConnell and other Chuck Schumer Republicans, it looks increasingly like patriotic opponents of this disastrous “reform” will have to make their stand in the House of Representatives. We will be keeping you apprised of developments-as always-in the days and weeks ahead, but today’s post is devoted to extending our condolences to the victims of the devastating natural disaster that destroyed large parts of Moore, Oklahoma on Monday. 

May 21, 2013 Oklahoma National Guard aids search and rescue for Moore, Okla. tornado. Photo taken by OK. National Guard

As rescue efforts reach their conclusion in the wake of the worst tornado to hit Oklahoma in over a decade, the recovery effort begins in earnest. Despite the immense damage inflicted upon the state, there are some hopeful stories, such as the rescue of over a hundred people from the rubble of their homes and businesses. There are already Facebook groups devoted to reuniting survivors with lost belongings, as well as drives helping them care for their no doubt anxious pets

Large disaster relief and charitable organizations are also doing their best to help out the people of Moore as they begin the long road to recovery, including Americares and the always generous Salvation Army. Team Rubicon-whose heroic efforts at helping people both here and abroad we’ve documented in the past-is also actively assisting the victims of this horrific tornado, which still threatens the lives and homes of those in its path

You can find numerous ways to volunteer, from fundraising to actively assisting on the ground, on Team Rubicon’s website. For those of you of a more religious mindset, I’m sure that prayers for the many Oklahomans devastated by this extreme weather event would be welcomed by many in the impacted area. In any case, I know that many Americans will be thinking of them as they begin their protracted struggle to restore some semblance of normality to their lives. 




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