Tomorrow is May Day, and the treason lobby will be mobilizing its shock troops to demonstrate its contempt for this country’s laws and American citizens. We urge our followers at American Rattlesnake to use the opportunity to make their voices heard in Congress and the Senate Judiciary Committee, which will begin its markup of the Gang of Eight calamity the moment Congress returns from its latest non-working holiday.

The Federation for American Immigration Reform has outlined a step-by-step process which you can follow in order to contact your member of Congress and express your concern about its unseemly haste in enacting this potentially catastrophic law. Show them that illegal aliens and their domestic lobbyists are not the only ones concerned about the fate of this country!
Tags: 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act, AEI, Alan Wall, American Enterprise Institute, amnesty, Bob Dane, Bob Menendez, Brenda Walker, Charles Grassley, Council on Foreign Relations, Dick Durbin, FAIR, Gang of Eight, illegal aliens, immigration, Immigration Reform and Control Act, IRCA, Jeff Flake, John Cornyn, John McCain, Jose Gomez, Lindsey Graham, lobbying, May Day, Mexico, New York, New York City, Occupy Wall Street, Pat Leahy, Politico, Richard Land, Roger Mahony, SEIU, Senate Judiciary Committee, Southern Baptist Convention, The Hill, The Nation, town hall,, United States Senate, washington post, Zogby
This entry was posted on April 30, 2013 at 1:15 PM and is filed under News and Analysis, What You Can Do. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
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