Posts Tagged ‘ Council on Foreign Relations ’

Two Americans (A Postscript)

Two Americans (A Postscript)

One of the most frustrating aspects of the immigration monologue that’s unfolded over the past few years is the inability of one side-representing those who are committed to open borders and an uninterrupted stream of mass immigration-to acknowledge the legitimacy of the concerns expressed by their opponents, despite the fact that they constitute a...
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May Day (Take Back Congress)

May Day (Take Back Congress)

Tomorrow is May Day, and the treason lobby will be mobilizing its shock troops to demonstrate its contempt for this country’s laws and American citizens. We urge our followers at American Rattlesnake to use the opportunity to make their voices heard in Congress and the Senate Judiciary Committee, which will begin its markup of...
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Feet In Two Worlds

Feet In Two Worlds

One of the themes we’ve emphasized on American Rattlesnake this year is the damage inflicted upon American society by ill-conceived policies of refugee resettlement carried out by the federal government. Unlike past generations of refugees who came here from nations behind the Iron Curtain, Cuba, or other Communist states, the ones transplanted to the...
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Red Star Rising

Red Star Rising

To live in New York is to be surrounded by people suffering from various pathologies, many of whom you encounter on a daily basis if-like most of us-you use public transportation. Living here also means being surrounded by Marxists of varying hues, including Maoists, Trotskyites, and-as the photograph above illustrates, supporters of the Democratic...
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Revolution/Evolution (Free Speech At The UN)

Revolution/Evolution (Free Speech At The UN)

Most New Yorkers-especially natives-are inured to the daily spectacle which makes their city something of a super-sized freak show. However, most of the time that sideshow is of the sort one normally expects to see in Coney Island, i.e. entertaining enough as a diversionary pursuit, but not so garish or mind-altering as to force...
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Are We Targeting Islam?

Are We Targeting Islam?

Update: Welcome to readers from Creeping Sharia. Thanks, once again, to Pamela for the link! We always love getting readers from Atlas Shrugs. Earlier today I took it upon myself to journey to Foley Square in Manhattan, where an anti-NYPD, anti-intelligence agency gathering sponsored by CAIR, Al-Awda, and Desis Rising Up & Moving, among...
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Thus Spoke Bloomberg

Thus Spoke Bloomberg

Our esteemed mayor has once again weighed in on the controversial subject of immigration with his usual panache. In a speech to the Council on Foreign Relations, Mayor Bloomberg claimed that not enacting amnesty is akin to “national suicide.” And just to make sure that no one in the audience would misinterpret the meaning...
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