Posts Tagged ‘ Utah ’

Achieving Liberty

Achieving Liberty

One of the great things about Libertyfest-regardless of its faults-is that it brings together people who are willing to disagree with each other over substantive issues of political philosophy. It’s not a stage-managed affair crafted by its participants with the intent of obscuring differences and evading questions such as whence do rights derive, and how...
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As someone who had never attended Liberty Fest-this was its third iteration, as the banner onto which the shadow of radio and television personality Lionel is projected indicates-I didn’t come into the event with any preconceived ideas or expectations. Even though I had been to events organized around similar principles, an eight hour-long seminar/concert/bull session...
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Shadow Catcher

  National Public Radio is, almost without exception, a black hole when it comes to obtaining accurate, reliable information and analysis about immigration. Half of the on-air talent could be executed by members of MS-13, and the following day’s headline on NPR would probably be “Aggrieved Undocumented Migrants Exact Misdirected Revenge Against Jan Brewer.”...
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Numbers USA Live Webcast

Update: Here’s the link, Defending Our Children’s Future, which was referenced in Jennifer’s Story.  Tune in later today, at 3:30 PM sharp, to watch Numbers USA’s live webcast. It takes place every Thursday afternoon. Today Roy Beck & Co. will probably discuss his organization’s phenomenal TV ad campaign pressuring Congressman Dave Camp to free...
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A Tale of Two Mormons

A Tale of Two Mormons

With the New Hampshire presidential primary fast approaching, it might be time to look at two of the Republican candidates who’ve often drawn comparisons in the mainstream media. Namely, former Utah governor Jon Huntsman and 2008 GOP runner-up Mitt Romney. The rap on both men is very similar, i.e. both are technocratic, not very...
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Decision Points

Decision Points

Months of strenuous campaigning, millions of dollars in political advertising, and countless days of retail politicking will culminate in just a few hours, when a select few will decide who will be awarded the first presidential delegates of the 2012 Republican race for President of the United States. Although not always an accurate gauge...
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Laboratories of Democracy

John, a member of both NY ICE and the Republican Governors Association, went to the RGA’s annual meeting held in Orlando, Florida earlier this month. In addition to the recreational activities-which looked like a blast-he also had the chance to meet some of the nation’s governors, including two who are on the front lines...
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Winning The Long War

Winning The Long War

Although HB 56, Alabama’s powerful new tool for immigration enforcement, has been largely upheld by Judge Sharon Blackburn, the fight over this law will continue in the weeks and months ahead. As NPR reports, this is just the first step in what will likely be a protracted legal and political battle over key provisions...
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Back to the Drawing Board

Back to the Drawing Board

We were reminded by The Politico this weekend of why it is always a bad idea to elect an immigration attorney to Congress. Aside from the inherent conflict of interest present in electing an individual who will be able to craft laws that directly benefit his bottom line, there are broader issues at stake.
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May Day Part II: America Strikes Back

May Day Part II: America Strikes Back

Update: My good friend was also at at the May Day events and has some fantastic video footage, which you can find at The Silent Majority No More. The rest of her coverage can be found at her website as well. More video from the day’s festivities can be found on Youtube. As promised, today I...
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