Posts Tagged ‘ Tino Sanandaji ’

Sweden and Fake News

Sweden and Fake News

  Rigidly defending the President’s precise formulations will always pose a problem for his supporters. I think even his staunchest backers will acknowledge that Donald Trump isn’t Churchillian in his eloquence. That said, nearly every time he is assailed by his pseudo-sophisticated, morally inverted critics in the culturally Marxist press, it turns out that...
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Christopher Columbus and Open Borders

Christopher Columbus and Open Borders

One of the most entertaining aspects of the open borders dogma is observing the cognitive dissonance its devotees require in order to sustain their belief system. Mass immigration fetishists, by their very nature, are constitutionally incapable of recognizing irony, and a perfect illustration of this fact can be found in the pontifications of Bryan...
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The Limits of Diversity

  Diversity is our strength, even when it’s our greatest weakness. The experience of Australia isn’t unique, something the ostracized  Frenchman, Swede, and Norwegian can attest to, when they’re given the opportunity. Contrary to popular, i.e. elite consensus, mass immigration has not been an economic boon to ordinary Australians, despite an emphasis upon skilled...
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