Posts Tagged ‘ Theodore Dalrymple ’

Electing A New People

Electing A New People

I took the image you see above in my old stomping grounds of Bay Ridge, which has earned the moniker Beirut in recent years, for obvious reasons. Aside from the Alpine Theater-which was in danger of being added to the adjacent mosque at one point-and Galaxy Comics, you would be hard-pressed to find a...
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The Shoe Drops

The Shoe Drops

The Daily Telegraph has the latest on an ongoing anti-terror operation occurring in the suburbs of Paris. No doubt the New York Times will publish a full spread on its front page tomorrow morning lamenting the Islamophobic attitudes of Frenchmen who refuse to embrace the multicultural beauty of their new society.
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Cowardice, Not Compassion

  Update: As promised by Brit Hume, Fox News has republished the offending cartoons. If you’re waiting expectantly for other drive-by media to follow suit, don’t hold your breath. There’s only one religion in contemporary society whose mockery is verboten.  Mark Steyn, as usual, cuts to the heart of the matter. The refusal by...
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Coulter vs. Kaus at CPAC

Coulter vs. Kaus at CPAC

It turns out that the Coulter-Kaus debate was broadcast on one of  C-SPAN’s many outlets yesterday, despite the unofficial CPAC ban on discussion of the most important domestic political issue. You can watch the full debate here. In addition to covering the political costs of amnesty and the legally and constitutionally dubious nature of...
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Muzzling Dissent (Covering Immigration to the UK)

Muzzling Dissent (Covering Immigration to the UK)

The incalculable damage that mass immigration from the third world has inflicted upon the United Kingdom is a subject that we’ve explored at length on American Rattlesnake. Although the ritualistic murder and dismemberment of Drummer Lee Rigby is the most notorious recent illustration of how this phenomenon has adversely impacted native Britons, there are...
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Too Much Of A Good Thing

Too Much Of A Good Thing

Video of Frank Gaffney’s speech can be found on Urban Infidel. One of the unofficial mottos of the United States, this phrase-which is minted on this country’s coins and emblazoned upon our paper bills-embodies the common heritage of the American nation, which was created from the union of thirteen distinct, unique former British colonies....
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Part II: Albion Under Siege (SION Conference)

Part II: Albion Under Siege (SION Conference)

The global jihad against speech-aided and abetted by our enemedia-was the primary subject of discussion at the SION conference this past Tuesday, and the panels assembled represented the full spectrum of thought and action that is being suppressed as a result of the collaboration between government officials-both elected and unelected-intent on “managing” our ever-diminishing pool of  liberty, the custodians...
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Cost-benefit Analysis

Following up on last week’s video exploring the problem posed by Pakistani gangs in the United Kingdom, today I’ll present a fascinating debate between Matt Cavanagh and Nigel Farage, leader of UKIP, over the wisdom of mass (unskilled) immigration to a modern welfare state afflicted by recessionary economic conditions. Pay close attention to Farage’s rebuttal...
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Trouble in the Heartland

Trouble in the Heartland

The photograph you see above was, perhaps unsurprisingly, taken in the United Kingdom. However, it could just as easily have been photographed in Minneapolis, Minnesota, Lewiston, Maine, or Clarkston, Georgia. In fact, it could have been taken in any of the numerous, bucolic surburbs or thriving cities that have been the unwelcome recipient of thousands of...
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The Wretched of the Earth

The Wretched of the Earth

One of the most trenchant social observers and luminous writers in the English language is Theodore Dalrymple, the nom de plume of British doctor and essayist Anthony Daniels. Formerly a prison physician and psychiatrist who spent his time diagnosing the symptoms of cultural decay, Dalrymple now devotes his career to addressing the diseases that gave...
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