Posts Tagged ‘ Obama ’

No-Bama in 2012?

No-Bama in 2012?

Is Barrack Hussein Obama the Democrats’ best candidate for the 2012 Presidential election?  One liberal voice, Matthew Stoller, has raised that question on  Core Democratic constituencies, especially labor unions, are increasingly disgusted with Obama’s hewing to the right in his attempt to woo independent voters.  While the notion of an internal party challenge...
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Arizona Sheriffs Defy Obama, Defend The Constitution

Hat Tip: Nafbpo Ferg
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Michael Cutler on the Helen Glover Radio Show

One of the nation’s foremost experts on the national security implications of unfettered immigration, our good friend Michael Cutler, will be on the radio this morning. I would highly recommend that those of you in the Providence, Rhode Island market tune in. You can also listen to Mr. Cutler’s interview online. Here are the...
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La Raza’s Woman Inside

La Raza’s Woman Inside

It’s been brought to my attention by one of our esteemed contributors, Marion (D.S.) Dreyfus, that federal funding for the National Council of La Raza, i.e. “The Race,” a group that some would deem blatantly racist, has increased almost threefold since Cecilia Munoz, a former NCLR official, was appointed by President Obama.  Tom Fitton, the head of Judicial...
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Secure Communities Under Attack

Secure Communities Under Attack

The assault against Secure Communities continues apace, as we learned yesterday from the Los Angeles Times. In a lopsided vote, the Los Angeles City Council decided to make participation in this successful immigration enforcement program purely voluntary; an idea that DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano has already scotched, at least rhetorically.
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File this under the heading “things that shouldn’t surprise you.” It turns out that ICE agents are currently in the process of detaining criminal aliens that have re-entered the country illegally.
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Amnesty Is Back

Amnesty Is Back

It turns out that the furor surrounding the Obama administration’s plan to enact amnesty through executive fiat is not simply an exercise in political hysteria by the the President’s opponents, but an understandable reaction by people who’ve witnessed his administration’s unwillingness to enforce immigration laws throughout his first term.  
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Gatecrashers And Hollywood Double Standards

Gatecrashers And Hollywood Double Standards

  Doug McIntyre, whose nationally syndicated radio show Red Eye is one of my favorite late night diversions, has written a brilliant column exposing the hypocrisy of the Los Angeles entertainment community and their supporters within the California state legislature.
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Toughest Sheriff In Town


No explanation necessary.
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