Posts Tagged ‘ Nick Gillespie ’

An Open Debate About Open Borders

An Open Debate About Open Borders

One of the most persistent divides between traditional conservatives and their libertarian/anarcho-capitalist counterparts involves a fundamental philosophical disagreement about immigration. While most conservatives view immigration primarily through the lens of preserving American culture by only accepting those immigrants who are assimilable and will tangibly benefit our society in the future, a view expressed repeatedly...
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Voting Rights and Wrongs

Voting Rights and Wrongs

“Martyrs” — That was one of the many signs on display during an NAACP and SEIU-sponsored rally that took place this weekend  in opposition to David and Charles Koch, CEO and Executive Vice-President, respectively, of Koch Industries and universal left wing hobgoblins. The ostensible reason for the demonstration was the brothers’ contributions to the American Legislative Exchange Council,...
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The Real Lesson of Thanksgiving

The Real Lesson of Thanksgiving

  As we gather together with loved ones-or not so loved ones-to give thanks, or express regret, perhaps it’s a good time to put things into perspective. A few days ago an acquaintance posted a cartoon to Facebook often used to lampoon those of us who are not open borders fetishists by predisposition. I’m referring, of...
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