Posts Tagged ‘ Eric Cantor ’

The Daily Rattle: Children’s Crusade Edition

The Daily Rattle: Children’s Crusade Edition

The mendacity of our current administration is at times stunning, even for those of us who should by now have become inured to the lies regurgitated by the Obama administration and its factotums for the better part of two terms. The disavowals by La Raza graduate Cecilia Munoz and village idiot Joe Biden notwithstanding,...
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Abandoning Ship?

Abandoning Ship?

On the heels of the elevation of yet another open borders, crony-beloved corporate cipher to the second-highest post in the House of Representatives, as well as the insipid, ultimately unsuccessful attempt by conservative Republicans to thwart the coronation, it’s worth asking, “Is the GOP even worth it?” The answer provided by John McCain’s former running...
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The People Have Spoken

The People Have Spoken

Update: Roy Beck’s statement regarding the results in Virginia’s 7th Congressional District is now available online.  The only question that remains is whether the heretofore tone deaf GOP leadership in the House of Representatives is listening. We, like many patriotic Americans of every partisan affiliation, are celebrating the defeat of soon to be ex-Majority...
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Immigration Reform Theater

Immigration Reform Theater

Marketwatch clues us in.  It’s unequivocally good news for investors: More immigration equals cheaper labor, whether that’s provided for picking corn or processing computer code, with a possible rise in aggregate demand to boot.  It’s likely good for the broader economy, though the benefits flow mostly to the rich. In a study that the White...
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No Rest For The Wicked

No Rest For The Wicked

The  Boehner-Cantor campaign to enroll new Democratic voters has not slowed, contrary to misleading reports by political talking heads and pernicious media organs. Roll Call has the entire story for you to peruse, hopefully right before you start hectoring your ostensible representatives this coming week. The failure of anti-amnesty Republican contenders in the latest...
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Why We Fight

What a stark contrast to the current leaders of the GOP.
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Kill The Bill

Kill The Bill

  Far be it from me to praise National Review-especially the feckless leadership of its current editor-in-chief-but when it’s right, it’s right. And in this case, NR is absolutely correct. John Boehner-never a profile in courage-needs to be reminded why he is the Speaker of the House. Here’s a clue: it’s not to fulfill...
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House Republican Conference (Kill The Bill!)

The House Republicans have scheduled a special conference to discuss immigration reform tomorrow afternoon. This is the perfect opportunity to let your sentiments regarding the Gang of Eight monstrosity lumbering through Congress be known.
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The Living Dead

The Living Dead

The bill that can’t seem to die an honorable death is once again being resurrected, thanks to the efforts of Lindsey Grahamnesty and Juan McCain. Mark Krikorian has the bad news.
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