Posts Tagged ‘ debate ’

Unpersuasive Arguments (Why The Golden State Is No Longer Golden)

Unpersuasive Arguments (Why The Golden State Is No Longer Golden)

One of the frustrating things about the open borders right-although this can just as easily be said of the open borders left, or center-is the rigid adherence to discredited arguments. A perfect example of this tendency is Jennifer Rubin’s response to the thoughtful post made by Peter Robinson, of the Hoover Institution, in response...
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The Daily Rattle – Immigration News Summary for September 13, 2010

American-Rattlesnake scours the world for the latest immigration news at home and abroad, and always has a special place in its heart for its sometimes noisy mascot:
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Humor…But Not Really

Humor…But Not Really

One of the chief conceits of the open borders lobby is that our position, i.e., deportation through attrition, is an unworkable strategy whose logical consequences have not been properly considered. The only problem with that line of reasoning is that it’s not accurate.
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Talk To Your Neighbor

Our country is at a critical time right now.  The issues surrounding the massive influx of illegal aliens over the past decades will be decided in the coming months.  Time is of the essence. Days count.  The need for action is at hand.  It is political action that is needed.  Persuasion and organization are...
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Ordered Liberty

Ordered Liberty

A  discussion panel on the subject of SB 1070 was held by the Cato Institute recently. Although the discussion itself ran along fairly predictable lines, Mark Krikorian has some fascinating observations about the participants and audience.
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Heather MacDonald and Jason Riley Debate Immigration

Heather MacDonald and Jason Riley Debate Immigration

A very interesting debate about immigration took place this weekend on the John Stossel Show between Wall Street Journal editor Jason Riley and the Manhattan Institute’s Heather MacDonald. I’ll let you decide who bests whom.
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