Bye Bye Boehner

January 4, 2015

Although the prospect of replacing the current Speaker of the House looks grim at the moment-especially from an historical standpoint-the fact remains that there is widespread dissatisfaction with the leadership, such as it is, of John Boehner. If the quarter of a million letters demanding that he be replaced weren’t an indication of that sentiment, nor the public call for the same by establishmentarian talking head Sean Hannity, then certainly the outpouring of dissent from within his own caucus should serve as a clue that not Speaker Spray Tan is not universally beloved by Republicans in this nation.

U.S. President Barack Obama is greeted by Speaker of the House John Boehner before delivering the 2011 State of the Union Address.  Author: Pete Souza

That’s why we must continue to exert pressure upon Mr. Boehner and his deputies, even if none of them suffer the fate of former Majority Leader Eric Cantor. Open borders accommodationists like him and his acolytes must be made to fear the repercussions of an American public whose support they seek but whose wishes they steadfastly ignore. To that end, a phone blitz has been organized to pressure wobbly House members on the Republican side into recognizing the interests of their constituents. You can find the office number for your representative-as well as all the others-on this helpful Facebook page.

Let’s demonstrate how substantive symbolism can be.



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