Posts Tagged ‘ Phyllis Schlafly ’

The Delusions Of Dump Trump

The Delusions Of Dump Trump

Update: Neil Munro explores Speaker Paul Ryan’s bizarre Republican trinity. I had the pleasure of attending an informal discussion held by writer/political pundit Fred Barnes recently, where the topics ranged from his biography of Jack Kemp-co-written with McLaughlin Group colleague Morton Kondracke-to his thoughts on the presidential candidacy of Donald Trump. Taking place prior...
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The Daily Rattle-June 28, 2013 (Amnesty Roundup)

The Daily Rattle-June 28, 2013 (Amnesty Roundup)

-As we predicted, the Senate passed the Gang of Eight amnesty yesterday, setting the stage for the final battle in the House of Representatives, which is ostensibly controlled by Republicans. You can view the roll call vote, which will serve as a handy reminder of which cringing Republicans need to be removed from office...
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Stop The Gang Of Eight

Notwithstanding the musings of Senator Robert Menendez-a man whose employment of an illegal alien sex offender illustrates the perils of leaving immigration to the discretion of this administration-the amnesty crafted by the Gang of Eight remains on course for passage by a majority of the U.S. Senate.
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The Daily Rattle-April 15, 2012

The Daily Rattle-April 15, 2012

This month’s Rattle brings us a host of stories that the mainstream media didn’t cover sufficiently-preferring instead to shower accolades upon the man responsible for abandoning immigration enforcement in the name of political opportunism. We’ll cover everything from the latest spate of violent crimes committed by illegal aliens to Barack Obama’s continued roll out of administrative amnesty, which now...
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Par for the Course

  It seems as if the Democratic Party has found a useful cudgel in its campaign to vilify the Republican Party during this tumultuous election season. Namely, the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act. Putting aside the dubious constitutionality of this statute-parts of which have already been invalidated by federal courts-and the inherently...
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Action Alert! Pass 3444!

Even as the Obama administration continues to flout the Constitution-and obstruct Congress-there are public servants dedicated to rolling back the innumerable benefits that come with being in this country illegally.  One such congressmen is Rep. Jack Kingston, who has introduced the Child Tax Credit Integrity Preservation Act of 2011, a bill that would deny...
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Turning Over A New Leaf?

Turning Over A New Leaf?

I’m always sceptical of open-borders politicians who suddenly have epiphanies related to immigration the minute their careers are imperiled. Such is the case with Senator John McCain, who’s decided to call out President Obama for his administration’s indifference to border issues.
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