Posts Tagged ‘ Migrant Crisis ’



Even as his party rides a wave of popular disgust at the Islamization-facilitated by the institutional bureaucracy of the EU and his own government-of his nation to the top of the polls, Geert Wilders is once again facing imprisonment for dissent. Simple, honest words which reflect the current reality of a country under siege.
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Frontier State (Sweden Without Swedes)

Ezra Levant points out, once again, the stupidity of those overseeing Europe’s migrant crisis by traveling to Malmo, one of the first cities in a post-European Europe.
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Immigration and the Nation State

Immigration and the Nation State

One of the enduring arguments between me and my anarcho-capitalist friends is the ideal immigration policy in a society where the state-and all of its many interventions-still, unfortunately, exists. While generally well-grounded philosophically, they seem to take an ad hoc, emotionally-laden, irrational approach to what is arguably the most important domestic policy issue of...
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Separating Fact From Fiction

Nigel Farage sets the record straight. As usual, we are being fed a steady diet of lies about this 21st century invasion of Europe, and there are only a few courageous voices willing to speak the truth.
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