Posts Tagged ‘ Investigative Project ’

Ahmad Khan Rahami (Captured)

Ahmad Khan Rahami (Captured)

Update: Mr. Rahami was a busy jihadi, it turns out.  Rahami charged.  It turns out that CNN is good for something after all.  Surrender and think of diversity.  The man who shot the now deceased jihadist in Minnesota was a competitive shooter. Perhaps, contra Maddow, guns aren’t the main culprit in Islamic terrorism? As...
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Electing A New People

Electing A New People

I took the image you see above in my old stomping grounds of Bay Ridge, which has earned the moniker Beirut in recent years, for obvious reasons. Aside from the Alpine Theater-which was in danger of being added to the adjacent mosque at one point-and Galaxy Comics, you would be hard-pressed to find a...
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Terror and Liberalism (Judge Mukasey Speaks)

Terror and Liberalism (Judge Mukasey Speaks)

  Most of you familiar with the work of Michael Mukasey probably remember him as the federal judge who granted Jose Padilla, an Al Qaeda agent designated an enemy combatant by the Bush administration, access to counsel during his detention in a U.S. military brig. Others might recall his refusal to declare waterboarding synonymous...
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Too Much Of A Good Thing

Too Much Of A Good Thing

Video of Frank Gaffney’s speech can be found on Urban Infidel. One of the unofficial mottos of the United States, this phrase-which is minted on this country’s coins and emblazoned upon our paper bills-embodies the common heritage of the American nation, which was created from the union of thirteen distinct, unique former British colonies....
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Manufactured Reality

Manufactured Reality

One of the chief distinctions between the anti-Israel rally and the slightly smaller, yet equally exuberant, pro-Israel counter-demonstration held in Times Square this weekend was the sentiments expressed by the participants. While the former vocalized their antipathy towards Israel and the United States and demanded ordinary Israelis be punished-through measures such as the BDS...
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Horatius at the Bridge (SION Conference: Part IV)

Horatius at the Bridge (SION Conference: Part IV)

The first gathering of the Stop Islamization of Nations Congress took place on the eleventh anniversary of the 9/11 attacks in the city-and nation-targeted by pan-Islamic jihadists on that clear September day. Considering the deeply-rooted religious and ideological convictions that were  to serve as the fulcrum of those massacres, it was only fitting that...
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The Daily Rattle-April 15, 2012

The Daily Rattle-April 15, 2012

This month’s Rattle brings us a host of stories that the mainstream media didn’t cover sufficiently-preferring instead to shower accolades upon the man responsible for abandoning immigration enforcement in the name of political opportunism. We’ll cover everything from the latest spate of violent crimes committed by illegal aliens to Barack Obama’s continued roll out of administrative amnesty, which now...
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Are We Targeting Islam?

Are We Targeting Islam?

Update: Welcome to readers from Creeping Sharia. Thanks, once again, to Pamela for the link! We always love getting readers from Atlas Shrugs. Earlier today I took it upon myself to journey to Foley Square in Manhattan, where an anti-NYPD, anti-intelligence agency gathering sponsored by CAIR, Al-Awda, and Desis Rising Up & Moving, among...
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New Yorkers Rally For Homeland Security

Just received an e-mail from a member of New York ICE which calls my attention to an impending rally slated to occur this coming sunday, the focus of which is Representative Peter King’s upcoming hearings looking into domestic Islamic extremism.
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On the heels of yet another thwarted bombing by an Islamic terrorist mentored by Yemeni cleric-and American citizen-Anwar al Awlaki, we now discover that an Albanian Muslim living in the United States has been convicted of immigration fraud.
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