Posts Tagged ‘ immigration fraud ’

Decision Points

Decision Points

Months of strenuous campaigning, millions of dollars in political advertising, and countless days of retail politicking will culminate in just a few hours, when a select few will decide who will be awarded the first presidential delegates of the 2012 Republican race for President of the United States. Although not always an accurate gauge...
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The Daily Rattle (2011 New Year’s Edition)

The Daily Rattle (2011 New Year’s Edition)

Our last Rattle of 2011 runs the gamut, all the way from an immigration enforcement success in Pennsylvania to a disappointing judicial setback in South Carolina. However, we begin the final roundup of the year with a must-read essay in The American Conservative by W. James Antle III. It looks at the immigration scorecard...
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Immigration and Borders News Roundup

Immigration and Borders News Roundup

Today’s roundup is chock full of news, including a laughable attempt by the Mexican government to demonstrate its bona fides on border security by arresting a potential border-crosser from an infamous family. However, we begin with a much more serious story involving the continued obstruction of Congress by this administration with regard to the...
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L’affaire Strauss-Khan

L’affaire Strauss-Khan

There are a number of lessons to be gleaned from the rapidly imploding criminal case against the former head of the International Monetary Fund, Dominique Strauss-Kahn. Beyond the usual, insincere breast-beating and lamentation over the media’s predictable rush to judgement, as well as questions of whether the traditional perp walk is a violation of...
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American Rattlesnake’s Slimeball Of The Week

American Rattlesnake’s Slimeball Of The Week

This week’s award goes to a certain Yupeng Deng, whose ingenious scheme to defraud Chinese nationals seeking American citizenship was just  unraveled by the Los Angeles District Attorney. Not only did he deceive aspiring immigrants into believing they were joining the United States Armed Forces-when all they were doing was enriching him-but in twofer,...
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We’ve covered the extensive problems our current immigration system faces in rooting out fraud in the past, as those of you who are regular readers of the site know. Well, now it seems that the federal government is finally beginning to pursue those unscrupulous attorneys who seek to exploit our immigration laws for personal...
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Repeat Offender

Repeat Offender

Yet another horrific crime committed by an illegal alien is sanitized by the mainstream media. As if the rape of a twelve year-old girl were not outrageous enough, the coverage that the local Fox affiliate has given to to this crime is enough to make your blood boil.
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On the heels of yet another thwarted bombing by an Islamic terrorist mentored by Yemeni cleric-and American citizen-Anwar al Awlaki, we now discover that an Albanian Muslim living in the United States has been convicted of immigration fraud.
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America’s Next Great Shill

America’s Next Great Shill

I should probably preface this post by admitting that I was a participant in the Washington Post’s America’s Next Great Pundit contest, a misguided and perhaps ultimately futile attempt by WaPo to expand its youth demographic among the ever-declining readership it lays claim to.
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The Daily Rattle – Immigration News Summary for September 12, 2010

A round-up of what’s happening in immigration news worldwide and in the United States (finishing with a fact about our favorite reptile): •  Colorado State Representative Randy Baumgardner (R–Hot Sulphur Springs) is working on Arizona-style legislation to fight against illegal immigration in the Mile-High state. Mr. Baumgarden says that illegal immigration costs Colorado over...
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