Posts Tagged ‘ Gallup ’

One Voice

One Voice

One of the inerrant truths of our time is that if a bad idea exists, the New York Times is certain to endorse it without reservation. Conversely, if a good idea is percolating in the public consciousness, the editors at the Old Gray Lady will inveigh against it to their newspaper’s last barrel of...
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One of the most frustrating aspects of the debate over illegal immigration is the inescapable sense that we’re watching the performance of an ever-recurring, yet interminable and tedious, play. The proponents of amnesty regurgitate a series of formulaic talking points that we’ve become inured to, beginning with the specious assertion that “we’re not going...
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Sweet Little Lies

Sweet Little Lies

As sundry pundits, political consultants, and elected officials search for answers in the wake of the GOP’s decisive election loss, it’s worth noting that while the Republican Party yielded ground in the Senate, House of Representatives, and various state legislatures-to say nothing of its presidential nominee’s defeat-there were several important races where immigration patriots...
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Red Star Rising

Red Star Rising

To live in New York is to be surrounded by people suffering from various pathologies, many of whom you encounter on a daily basis if-like most of us-you use public transportation. Living here also means being surrounded by Marxists of varying hues, including Maoists, Trotskyites, and-as the photograph above illustrates, supporters of the Democratic...
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The Endorsement Primary

The Endorsement Primary

The potential upside and possible drawbacks of a Rick Santorum nomination-even as that scenario recedes further into the distance-have been explored on this website several times since the beginning of what already seems like an interminable primary season. Formerly thought of as a politician with a relatively weak record on immigration issues-who previously supported both bracero...
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