Posts Tagged ‘ Austria ’

The Fight For The West

The Fight For The West

Two recent articles are worth reading in light of the conviction of Geert Wilders for voicing uncomfortable truths. One is an interview with the EU ambassador to the United States, David O’Sullivan. It’s worth noting his final answer, which unequivocally rejects the idea that another member state will sever ties with the European Union-despite...
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Europe Votes

Europe Votes

Update: Kraut and Tea explains how Austria got here, and offers another possible explanation for Hofer’s loss.  Renzi resigns.  Landslide rejection. You can view the live results here.  Exit polls, for what they’re worth, suggest the Italian constitutional referendum is headed towards defeat.  In a depressing sign for the future, women voted for the...
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Honoring The Fallen

Honoring The Fallen

  CNN is one of those ubiquitous aspects of the American soundscape which I’ve always looked upon as part of our gradual cultural decline. Whether you’re in a dentist’s waiting room, or simply passing by a restaurant on your way home-as I was this weekend-you can’t help but overhear one of that network’s correspondents,...
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Far-left Austrian Candidate Narrowly Wins (Breaking News)

Far-left Austrian Candidate Narrowly Wins (Breaking News)

Alas, that seems to be the result. It’s interesting how a man who believes in self-defense, wants to repel the foreign invasion of his country-as well as the rest of Europe-and holds what most Americans would consider to be normal, conservative values, is described as “far-right.” While someone who led the most radical, anti-Semitic, anti-European,...
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Rattle On (May News Digest)

Rattle On (May News Digest)

With the world aflame, it’s only appropriate that our periodical digest of immigration and cultural news returns. Starting off in the States, we find that Michelle Root, after a heartfelt meeting with Donald Trump, has decided to throw her support behind his candidacy. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the case, Michelle...
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Speech Enchained

Speech Enchained

Freedom as it’s been known and experienced since the Enlightenment is in a death spiral on the European continent, as we’ve explored on this website in the past. One of the most cherished freedoms-for both Europeans and Americans-is the ability to speak openly about anything and everything without fear of government suppression or reprisals.
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