NY ICE Speaks Out Against Amnesty

February 21, 2012
As most of you know, New Yorkers for Immigration Control and Enforcement is an indefatigable fighter on behalf of American citizens, not only living in the Empire State, but throughout the nation. This past week NY ICE members held a successful counter-demonstration against DREAM Act supporters gathered outside of Speaker Sheldon Silver’s office in Manhattan. I’ll let Joanna Marzullo, the founder of NY ICE, describe to you how it all went down. 
Hi NY ICers!
First of all, thank you to the NY ICers who were able to attend our NYC counter-protest on 2.17.12. against the DREAM Act.  This counter protest occurred in mid-day on a work week, and some of us had to use our lunch hour to be there.  I am proud to say that NY ICE outnumbered the D.R.E.A.M. /Amnesty advocates.  At times, it seemed like there were no amnesty advocates there!  The few stragglers that came seemed to leave shortly after arrival, since they have grown to expect a large crowd of their supporters and lack courage if they don’t have their expected numbers.
Only one member of the press arrived, and he only interviewed NY ICE!  I would have to say that our NYC counter-protest was a success on all levels:  We got their (limited) press coverage, we outnumbered them and secured their space, and passersby were largely in support of NY ICE-what a nice change from the early days of NY ICE, when it seemed like everyone hated us. 
I’ve included the raw audio from the reporter who interviewed me in the first two links below. It is unedited, which is usually not the case with my interviews.  I particularly liked it, in Part 2, where I said that it is “my dream to have New York enact something like Arizona’s SB 1070″.
Unfortunately, the Long Island contingent didn’t fare as well as NYC.  The amnesty advocates were able to find sympathetic, biased press to listen to their typical pity party.  (Is there ever a “pause” button on that pity party tape?)  They almost make it seem as though they aren’t already in our colleges, but, of course, NY ICers know they are.  This D.R.E.A.M. amnesty is about their gaining access to financial aid. 
Here are some links from both the NYC counter-protest and the one on Long Island,
Part 1: The raw audio from NY ICE’s counter-protest on February 17th. 
Part 2 of the same interview.
Finally, coverage, and video footage, of the pro-illegal alien rally held by the radical, open borders leftists at the Drum Major Institute on Long Island. 

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