Fight Back Against Open Borders in Manhattan
Join other patriotic New Yorkers in opposing the demands of socialist radicals and open borders fanatics in Foley Square tomorrow afternoon. Here are the details-you’ll also find a press release at the bottom of the post.

What: Rally and March
When: Sunday Dec. 18th
Where: From Foley Square to Zuccotti Park
Immigrants are part of the 99% and on December 18th we will march with the Occupy Wall Street movement to demand immigrant justice including putting an end to wage theft, and stopping detentions and deportations of our beloved community members. As the Occupy Wall Street movement highlights corporate profiteering we would like to shed light on those that profit off our labor, exploit workers and refuse to pay dignified wages. We also march against the corporations who support racist anti-immigrant legislation that allows them to make billions of dollars by detaining immigrants in private detention centers and deporting nearly 400,000 people per year.
En el Dia Internacional del Inmigrante, UNETE a NICE Y MARCHA CON NOSOTROS A WALL STREET!!
Que: Mitin y marchaFecha y hora: Domingo 18 de Diciembre
Lugar: de Foley Square a Zuccotti Park
Los inmigrantes somos parte del 99% y el 18 de Diciembre marcharemos junto al movimiento Occupy Wall Street para exigir justicia para el inmigrante. Mientras el movimiento de Occupy Wall Street destaca las excesivas ganancias corporativas, nosotros quisiéramos enfatizar sobre aquellos que se enriquecen por medio del trabajo de los inmigrantes, explotan a los trabajadores y rehúsan pagar salarios dignos. También marcharemos en contra de las corporaciones que apoyan legislaciónes anti-inmigrantes generando billones de dólares recluyendo a inmigrantes en centros de detención privados y deportando a aproximadamente 400,000 personas al año. Queremos eliminar el robo de salarios y, frenar las detenciones, deportaciones y desintegración de nuestras familias!!
Tags: Foley Square, New Immigrant Community Empowerment, NICE, NY ICE, Occupy Wall Street, Zuccotti Park
This entry was posted on December 18, 2011 at 12:13 AM and is filed under What You Can Do. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
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