Supporting Agent Jesus Diaz

October 9, 2011

One of the most infuriating aspects of our nation’s open borders policy is the harassment and persecution experienced by the men and women who are ostensibly entrusted with protecting America’s borders. A perfect illustration of this is the case of  Border Patrol Agent Jesus Diaz, whose suffering we’ve chronicled in the past. Well, Joanna Marzullo-the president of NY ICE-has been reaching out to Agent Diaz, who is currently languishing in a federal prison. Printed below is some information you can utilize in order to contact him personally. Simply click on “read more.”

Hi NY ICers,

Many of you remember the cases of Border Agents Ramos and Compean, who were jailed, but eventually pardoned by President Bush. Another Border Patrol agent, Jesus Diaz, *another* American of Hispanic descent, is currently serving over 30 years for arresting a Mexican, illegal alien drug dealer. I know, it’s crazy.
I first learned about this case through my Minnesotan friend, Ruthie, who runs “The Ruthie Report.” I have been sending “snail mail” letters to Jesus Diaz ever since.  The address for you to write to him appears below.  Please write to him.  He is currently in solitary confinement.  The most hard-hitting thing, to me, that he wrote was this:
 “Maybe one day our government will decide to protect us”.
Here is the link to learn more about the story:
Here is the Facebook page  devoted to him.  Michele Bachmann, according to it, is trying to help Jesus Diaz:
Here is Border Patrol Agent Jesus Diaz’s address for you to write to:
Jesus Diaz 
PO Box 2317
Del Rio, TX 78841

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