To Dream the Racist Dream

December 16, 2010


More proof, as if more proof was needed, that The push for this latest installment in the amnesty layaway plan known as DREAM has been riddled with identity politics from the beginning. The only reason Harry Reid is demanding that the Senate pass this monstrosity in the first place is as a reward to Hispanic voters he views as having been instrumental to his latest re-election.


Read the entirety of Jerome Corsi’s column, it’s very clarifying. From Congressman Gutierrez’s threat to engage in civil disobedience and empty promise to split from the Democratic Party if it doesn’t railroad DREAM through Congress, to the explicit threats of political retaliation made by ethnic grievance groups such as LULAC and La Raza, this entire debate has been driven by people who put race and ethnicity above concern for country.

Whatever pro forma declarations of patriotism DREAM Act sponsors espouse are merely intended for public consumption. The claim that waves of illegal aliens will enlist in the United States Armed Forces once DREAM is enacted, an assertion that has been thoroughly demolished by Mark Krikorian in NRO, is simply a way of persuading the sensible middle portion of this country-which is rightly concerned about giving yet another amnesty to millions of illegals-that DREAM is as American as apple pie. Unfortunately, it isn’t. It’s race-based politics with a cute, cuddly, collegiate face.

The only way to unite our country is to reject this horrible bill, and to move beyond race-based politics. We’re better than that.

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