Catch And Release

Yet another victim of de facto amnesty lost her life this weekend. And while open-borders enthusiasts would like to minimize the human toll illegal aliens impose on our society-or bring up the fascinating, but ultimately irrelevant, observation that there are American citizens who commit equally heinous crimes-the truth is that Carlos Montano is not a bad seed, but the tip of the iceberg.
Tags: Carlos Montano, catch and release, Charles Grassley, Denise Mosier, FNCIC, Foreign National Crime Information Center, Harold Rogers, ICE, John Morton, killing, nuns, Prince William County, Stephen Dinan, victims of illegal alien crime memorial, Virginia, VOIACM, Washington Times
This entry was posted on August 3, 2010 at 9:43 PM and is filed under News, News and Analysis. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
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