Posts Tagged ‘ Recession ’

Illegal Immigration’s Impact

Here’s another panel from the productive iiiMPACT conference on illegal immigration held in Wilmington, North Carolina earlier this month. Focused on the issues of our nation’s dire unemployment problem and the exploitation of our country’s generous social welfare safety net, this symposium is well worth watching, especially for those of you who are interested...
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The November Crime Blotter

Today we’re introducing a new feature on American Rattlesnake: the Crime Blotter. It’s where we’ll catalogue the litany of crimes committed by illegal aliens whom the federal government, in its infinite wisdom, has decided not to deport. If you have any news about absconders who’ve subsequently committed crimes, feel free to send your tips at...
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Listen to the Ruthie Report, with Special Guest Anna Gaines, Tomorrow!

I’ve just received this update, courtesy of Joanna Marzullo, the president of NY ICE:   Hi NY ICers, My Arizonan friend, Anna Gaines, with American Citizens United, will be on “The Ruthie Report”  tomorrow, September 15th, at 9 PM, EST. Many of you know of Anna Gaines from previous emails I have sent about...
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Recession Proof Immigration

Recession Proof Immigration

There’s a fantastic piece in the Washington Examiner today examining the priorities of the new chairman of the Judiciary Committee in the House of Representatives, Rep. Lamar Smith.
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