Tags: ATF, Barack Obama, Brian Terry, Darrell Issa, drug cartels, Eric Holder, Fast and Furious, Gunwalker, gunwalking, House Oversight Committee, Mexico, Operation Castaway
This entry was posted on July 28, 2011 at 2:37 AM and is filed under News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
this scandle will go the same as Ruby Ridge, and Waco…..the good guys were the Bad, and vice versa, and the media wont let it go anywhere, few if any will serve a day in a jail, and all will be back to normal in a year or so……just a bump in the road….right barrack ?…..I hope they serve you papers Aug 8th, I would love for the “Birther” issue to make it all the way to a court of LAW, and people see the truth, verses the media’s version of it…..