ZeroHedge – American-Rattlesnake Immigration News, Analysis, and Activism Wed, 18 Oct 2017 18:53:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sweden and Fake News Wed, 22 Feb 2017 05:26:48 +0000  

Statue of Charles XII of Sweden at Karl XII:s torg, Stockholm, Sweden. Photo by Tage Olsin  May 24, 2005

Rigidly defending the President’s precise formulations will always pose a problem for his supporters. I think even his staunchest backers will acknowledge that Donald Trump isn’t Churchillian in his eloquence. That said, nearly every time he is assailed by his pseudo-sophisticated, morally inverted critics in the culturally Marxist press, it turns out that he was correct.

The manufactured controversy surrounding his remarks about Sweden is simply the latest example of the media’s malicious lying and/or stupendous ignorance. No, President Trump wasn’t referring to a specific terrorist attack in Sweden, although there have been jihadist assaults in that nation, including suicide bombings, but rather to the degradation of that country-as well as others in Central and Northern Europe-occurring as a result of catastrophically wrongheaded immigration policies.

What happened last night, as well as many nights before in immigrant-heavy, Islam-friendly towns and cities in that country, is chaos. Rampant sex crime, tribal warfare, widespread rioting-some of which targets members of the liberal press which is so enamored of non-Swedes-and general lawlessness. In spite of the Swedish government’s refusal to acknowledge reality, censorship of hate facts, and systemic coverup of migrant rape of Swedes, the non-brainwashed know what is happening in Europe.

Despite forbidding the collection of statistics which would identify the ethnicity of those committing crimes in Sweden, we still have a very good idea of who is responsible for many of them. For example, 85% of those sentenced to at least 2 years in prison for rape by a Swedish court of appeals were foreign-born or second-generation immigrants. We have firsthand accounts from career law enforcement officers attesting to the culpability of foreign immigrants and refugees in the diverse array of problems Swedes currently face.

The idea that the state and its accomplices in the media can somehow indefinitely cover up the truth in a networked world, where we can read descriptions of what the multicultural boroughs of Europe are actually like, is the height of absurdity. The facts denied and buried by the mainstream media are at the fingertips of those who choose to obtain them. That is something that will not change any time in the near future, no matter how much our ruling class would like to suppress the truth.



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Streets Of Rage Sun, 22 Jan 2017 19:49:35 +0000 Chicago Police helmet and billy club Author: Bill Abbott

Those of you who’ve read Todd Gitlin’s fantastic account of ’60s Era political activism are well aware of the New Left’s descent into chaos, infighting, and terrorism during the course of that decade. However, I’m not sure how many of you realize just how much destruction the sectarian left inflicted upon our society during the 1960s and the ensuring decade. That’s why this blog post, which explores another book about this tumultuous chapter in American history, is so fascinating. Although I’m not sure I agree that we are on the same trajectory as the baby boomers, there are some unsettling parallels, including the near universal support among the left for using violence against its perceived opponents, and passive acceptance of the terror visited upon completely uninvolved parties who are allegedly obstructing the militant left’s objectives.

Beyond any legitimate critiques of President Trump-whose administration has yet to take any significant executive action-the fact that the left, ranging from conventional liberal apparatchiks to hardcore Marxists, has become completely unhinged is not a good sign for political comity in the days ahead. While some progressives have taken anti-Trump Democrats to task for their hysteria, and even questioned the utility of identity politics, the vast majority seem obsessed with demonizing their opponents and purging those engaged in heretical thinking. It’s a far cry from large scale urban terrorism, but it would still be wise to keep George Santayana’s admonition in mind over the next 4 years.

Addendum: For some more historical context, here is Ayn Rand on The Return of the Primitive



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The World According To Hillary Sun, 28 Aug 2016 04:17:25 +0000 384px-Hillary_Clinton_official_Secretary_of_State_portrait_crop

One of the more fascinating aspects of California’s transformation into the politically uniform, post-caucasian, multicultural utopia so many open borders Democrats-and their unwitting Republican allies-have worked so hard to achieve is the response of the ruling class. Most impartial observers might ask whether the hundreds of billions of dollars in unfunded liabilities and public debt assumed by that state have some connection to the flight of the middle class and its wholesale replacement by the underclass exported by Mexico’s political and economic elite. However, elected officials have never been plagued by intellectual curiosity, particularly those whose careers are built upon ignoring or denying self-evident truths.

So instead of considering the possibility that the rampant corruption found throughout municipalities like Bell might be a foreign import, that some of the monumental problems facing California might have been exacerbated by its laissez faire immigration policies, the wise men of that state have decided to strike out in search of demons. Whether it’s crafting a law to protect the rights of less than 0.1 percent of the population-which are not imperiled-or contemplating bills which seek to suppress the speech of individuals who disagree with noted climatologist Al Gore, the sages in Sacramento have decided the best use of their resources is combating the vast, chimerical right wing conspiracy.

Based upon the substance of her widely mocked alt-right speech, Hillary Clinton has come to the conclusion that this strategy is the key to her political success. Like the genocidal despot whom she’s modeled her campaign aesthetics and fashion choices after, Hillary will spend the remainder of her campaign-and presidency, should she be elected-persecuting people who exercise no concrete political power in the country she seeks to lead. The fact that her party, her collectivist, politically correct President, has achieved every single professed domestic policy goal-including those which are proscribed by the Constitution-and yet three-quarters of Americans are dissatisfied with the direction of this country, must have some rational explanation. The unparalleled stagnancy of the nation’s economy, the erasure of the middle class due to the implementation of Barack Obama’s signature issue, and the explosion of domestic, Islamic terror attacks under his administration couldn’t possibly be the result of deliberate actions taken by the Democratic Party’s standard bearer and his underlings-including Mrs. Clinton. Therefore, another culprit must be found.

The best scapegoat, naturally, is one that’s unable to derail her political ambitions but which serves as the perfect foil in her quest for attaining power. In this case, a random assortment of Internet villains whose mere existence validates the paranoid fantasies of the social justice brigades and Hillary’s more deranged feminist supporters. So rather than focus upon the enormous money laundering operation known as the Clinton Foundation-which might very well continue into the Clinton presidency-or her mass deletion of potentially incriminating evidence, outlets like the ever-objective New York Times and Washington Post can spend the next few months dissecting tweets from obscure MRA bloggers and followers of Mencius Moldbug.

This, in addition to disclosures which have been strategically obstructed throughout the campaign, is what we have to look forward to over the next four years. An unrelenting, lavishly funded witch-hunt against witches that do not exist and who are not responsible for the monumental problems we are facing as a country. For an overview of how we arrived at this point, I would recommend this Mark Steyn piece from 2005 published right before the Trump ascendancy. It clearly delineates why the power brokers within the GOP were so unprepared to deal with Donald Trump and the challenge his supporters presented to the entrenched Republican apparatus. It also describes why the glorious future of multiculturalist uniformity will not be so glorious in reality. Elites look out for their interests, to the detriment of the public, and this election is a concrete illustration of that principle.

The peasants are angry, and for very good reason. Perhaps Mrs. Clinton’s stenographers in the press corps should start paying attention.



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Savage Truths Wed, 29 Jun 2016 15:04:12 +0000

Update: Brilliant. Simply brilliant. 

For me, Nigel Farage, as well as tens of millions of people throughout the world, EU tears are a thing of beauty. Something to be relished. The European Project has failed and there’s absolutely nothing the army of myopic Eurocrats in Brussels can do to nullify that reality, although they are trying their damnedest. Conceding that your life’s work has been a complete and utter waste is undoubtedly a psychologically brutal decision. Until then, enjoy the lyrical voice of the man who broke the EU.



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The Orlando Massacre Sun, 12 Jun 2016 16:09:17 +0000 Mateen-NYPD

Update: The State Department has no records of a meeting with the father of the shahid. 

The killer’s slightly less insane father visited Congress and the State Department. So perhaps they are assimilating after all. 

A horror for one woman, via text

Despite her SIOA Facebook page being restored, Pamela Geller has been banned from Facebook for a month. Reddit also seems to be under the impression that if you don’t mention Islamic terrorism, its victims are still alive. 

An exceptional essay by Bruce Bawar on the hard truths our leaders categorically reject. 

John Schindler examines our country’s most pressing epidemic, Jihad Denial Syndrome.

Today it’s worth remembering those who were the first to expose the deep connections  Islamic immigrants living in central and southern Florida had to international jihadism. Adnan Shukrijumah was not the first, and unfortunately, Omar Mateen will probably not be the last.

A co-worker complained that the guy who just murdered 50 people had threatened to kill people. Sound familiar? It should

Obama’s America, isn’t it grand? 

As a bonus, Mateen’s firm provided security to federal buildings

The first victims have been identified. 

What’s Facebook’s response to a Muslim jihadist murdering 40 innocent people in a gay night club? Banning a page critical of Islam, natch! Looks like the Merkelization of the Internet has begun. 

Proud Afghan immigrant and Taliban supporter Seddique Mateen.

Watch the live press conference held by local officials. 

A word of caution from Rita Katz of the SITE Intelligence Group

Through the looking glass.

Heckuva job, FBI!

Mateen was a licensed security officer who claimed ties to international jihadist groups. Unsurprisingly, his wife was the victim of spousal abuse. 

Some of the mosques surrounding Pulse Orlando. I wonder how many vigils they’re going to hold in the week ahead? 

The official news wire of ISIS has taken credit for today’s jihadist attack. 

The perpetrator allegedly recited Islamic prayers during the attack. 

The Daily Beast has published an exclusive on  Omar Mateen, the son of Afghan immigrants-previously investigated by the FBI-who was responsible for the Orlando massacre earlier today. Read it in full.

Father Mir Mateen told NBC News that the sight of two men kissing angered his son.

“We are saying we are apologizing for the whole incident,” the father added. “We weren’t aware of any action he is taking. We are in shock like the whole country.”

The attack, he said, “has nothing to do with religion.”

A Twitter user raises an interesting point about how gay-friendly Orlando truly is, at least within its Islamic precincts.

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American Labor Wed, 09 Sep 2015 18:25:08 +0000 : Illustration of the first American Labor parade held in New York City on September 5, 1882 as it appeared in Frank Leslie's Weekly Illustrated Newspaper's September 16, 1882 issue.

Even as the nation honored working men and women this past weekend, millions of Americans searched fruitlessly for gainful employment. The sad truth is that American citizens have very little to celebrate, as both the number of Americans working and the percentage of the workforce that is American continues to decline. Zero Hedge has an illuminating post illustrating just how difficult it is for native-born Americans to utilize their innate and acquired talents and skills, supported by data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The policies pursued by the current leaders of organized labor is one of the main reasons that Americans seeking jobs are finding it so difficult to attain a foothold on the ladder towards upward mobility.

The profound shift of the American labor movement, which now finds itself aligned with its ostensible enemies in the corporate world in their bid for perpetually open borders, is one of the sad ironies we need to observe on this Labor Day. Perhaps there will one day be a grassroots movement to replace the unrepresentative leaders selling their members-and would-be members-down the river in order to enrich themselves and enhance their own power. Maybe then we will have a holiday truly worth celebrating.

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Jobs and Justice Mon, 19 Jan 2015 19:10:47 +0000 Created August 28, 1963.  U.S. National Archives and Records Administration

Today, as the federal government commemorates the legacy of  one of the  transformative figures in 20th century public  life, it should not be forgotten that Martin Luther King struggled not only to achieve racial equality but also economic opportunity for disenfranchised citizens. One of the most dispiriting developments in the over four decades since Dr. King’s assassination has been the regression in labor force participation within this nation.  Although the unemployment rate among Black workers might seem particularly distressing, the truth is that there are large swathes of what should constitute the American workforce, encompassing every ethnicity and race, which are facing chronic, unrelenting joblessness. 

Although not the source of this nation’s lackluster economy, one of the contributing factors to prolonged unemployment among large numbers of Americans-particularly those who already face extreme hardships in finding gainful employment-is our government’s policy of sustained mass immigration, as well its tacit endorsement of employers who disregard federal and state immigration laws. While it would be presumptuous of me to claim insight into how Martin Luther King Jr. would view the current immigration debate-such as it is-it’s worth noting that as recently as 1991 his widow lobbied against congressional legislation that would have further hobbled American laborers.

So the notion that he would at least have expressed ambivalence over the political class’s exclusive catering to the interests of the Chamber of Commerce and Mark Zuckerberg, while ignoring the suffering of millions of economically and emotionally struggling Americans, is not that far-fetched. Neither is the condemnation of a President who has abandoned the community which made his election possible in favor of more promising constituencies. Is it too much to ask of a president who repeatedly and capriciously invokes the legacy of Martin Luther King to give some consideration to the misery his administration’s immigration policies have imposed upon the men and women whose futures King fought so valiantly for?




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Jobless in America Sun, 28 Sep 2014 19:16:25 +0000 Unemployed_men_queued_outside_a_depression_soup_kitchen_opened_in_Chicago_by_Al_Capone,_02-1931_-_NARA_-_541927

One of the inescapable facts of our economic recovery is that millions of individuals continue to struggle to obtain gainful employment of any sort. A recent study by the John J. Heldrich Center for Workplace Development at Rutgers University confirms what most of us already knew. Namely, that those who have been unemployed for six months or longer are finding themselves locked out of the job market. You can read the full report for yourselves here, but you should be warned that it won’t be a pleasant experience. More than 3 million Americans have remained unemployed for more than six months, while 2 million have been unemployed for over a year. And while the percentage of workers belonging to the former category has declined from its height in 2010, it still remains greater than it was during the catastrophic 1983 recession.

The psychological impact of prolonged unemployment, including strained relationships with family and friends, is almost as devastating as the decline in personal living standards. However, the Great Recession is not the only force impacting American workers, as readers of this site know all too well. Edwin S. Rubenstein, the incomparable economic analyst for VDare, has a meticulous deconstruction of how policies of mass immigration have reduced the wages of those Americans fortunate enough to still be employed, as it also increases the wealth of those who vigorously promote our nation’s open borders status quo. The nation’s most prosperous corporations are investing in a system that minimizes their reliance upon American workers, a fact which shouldn’t surprise anyone who’s been following the debate over immigration reform which has taken place in this country over the past few years.

The study by Rutgers is merely the latest piece of evidence in a sea of data which makes clear what everyone who is not beholden to open borders mythology has already acknowledged. To wit, the priorities of our ostensible leaders in Washington D.C. and in statehouses around the country are completely at odds with the hopes and aspirations of the American people.





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Behind Rose-Colored Glasses Tue, 06 Aug 2013 14:59:59 +0000 The Single Men's Unemployed Association parading to Bathurst Street United Church. Toronto, Canada. Ca. 1930

The sputtering “recovery” claimed by the White House is inexorably grinding to a halt, an inescapable fact that even the most deft manipulation of employment numbers can’t conceal. Yet the mass unemployment and underemployment of American job-seekers hasn’t deflated the enthusiasm for anti-growth policies from either this administration or Congress. Complicating matters is the enthusiasm both have displayed for sustained mass immigration, even in the face of steep declines in American household income. Cybercast News Service explains why Capitol Hill remains infatuated with bad immigration policy in spite of its negative impact on ordinary Americans.

The current dismal economy presents enough obstacles to ambitious Americans without our elected officials actively seeking our disemployment from the work force.

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May Day: Part II (Marx v. Washington) Wed, 08 May 2013 01:31:11 +0000 DSCN3519_1668

The purpose of  last Wednesday’s events, like the marches and rallies staged on Cinco de Mayo, was to pressure elected officials in Washington D.C. into repeating the same disastrous mistakes of the past. In this case, a wholesale amnesty which would cost upwards of six trillion dollars in the coming decades. While most of the people gathered in Union Square were open borders advocates of one sort or another, there was a spirited contingent of counter-protestors from New Yorkers for Immigration Control and Enforcement, a.k.a. NY ICE, whom I’ll get to in due time.


There were several journalists eager to cover the pro-legalization marchers, including a reporter-and I use that term advisedly-from the New York City affiliate of Noticias Mundo, a Spanish-language collaboration between Colombian channel RCN and cheap labor enthusiast Rupert Murdorch’s chief American asset, Newscorp.


And while there were many people agitated over the immigration-and the various proposals floating around Congress that purport to address the subject-as with any reasonably large demonstration spearheaded by the left, mission creep was evident from the beginning. The issue sprawl ranged all the way from global concerns, such as the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership


…to more localized grievances, such as the cascading effects of the U.S. Postal Service’s insolvency, as well as the recently resolved school bus strike in the City.


The parlous state of our city’s public education system was also addressed-in both English and Spanish.


And of course, plenty of protesters blamed the dreaded process of sequestration-whose impact verges on the apocalyptic according to some analysts-for the plight of specific ethnic groups and economic classes.


The Sequester Game was an attempt to inject some levity into an otherwise earnest day of political sloganeering and ideological indoctrination.


One that drew upon traditional May Day tropes, such as this Maypole inscribed with exhortations to pursue various political projects of concern to the left. Although traditionally viewed as a festival heralding the arrival of spring, it is now an occasion which has been colonized by  those with a Marxist interpretation of history.


The top of the pole was graced by a papier-mâché babushka bearing a placard with a statement just as  ambiguous as her facial expression. 


I saw a few familiar faces in the crowd, including the attractive young rollerblader who played the part of  a money bunny at an Occupy Wall Street rally held in Bryant Park last year. Rather than targeting her ire at Herr Bloomberg-whose last term is mercifully drawing to a close-she took aim at some of the investment banks which have balanced their ledger sheet by feeding at the public trough. One of the most conspicuous offenders in this regard, CEO of JP Morgan Chase Jamie Dimon, is depicted in the effigy seen above. A man who not only benefits from outright wealth transfers from American taxpayers, but also regulatory structures that inhibit competition. Pretty much the antithesis of capitalism, as it’s correctly understand.


One group that continues to loosely align itself with OWS is Anonymous.


If nothing else, the market for Guy Fawkes masks remains robust.


Although I’m not sure wearing them while manning literature tables is their intended usage.


Speaking of literature booths, there were a lot of them in Union Square Park, including those run by Marx’s bête noirei.e. anarchists.


They had a variety of pamphlets, including one exploring the concept of jury nullification.



Socialism today, socialism tomorrow, socialism…well, you get the picture.


The alternative to what? Prosperity and freedom, perhaps. Unfortunately, socialism and/or corporatism is the default economic setting for much of the world today, with a few notable exceptions.


The apex of socialism, of course, can be found in the proposition that the state exercises final authority over  its subjects’ bodies. Notwithstanding the fact that the lawmakers who crafted Obamacare are already fleeing from its consequences, there are still millions of people willing to go further down the rabbit hole of wholly socialized medicine.


I’m sure among those can be counted the Trotskyists who were gathered in Union Square.


As well as the small coterie of Bolsheviks I found as I made my way through the police barricades erected in anticipation of this event.


The woman wearing the strange, black and green biohazard cap was apparently in charge of this group, although to what purpose its members were being put is beyond my ken.


What I did glean from my encounter with the useful idiots-who weren’t so useful in this case-was that they had a problem being photographed.  I discovered this after having a conversation with the Don Pedro fan seen in the picture above. The idea that anyone would express a natural curiosity in people wandering around Manhattan wearing t-shirts extolling an ideology that has murdered between 50 and 100 million people, and deprived tens of millions more of their liberty, never seemed to cross their minds, such as they are.

Patiently explaining my purpose merely seemed to heighten his anxiety, especially after I gave him my business card and told him the name of this website. This is a brief recapitulation of our exchange:

Communist: American Rattlesnake? I don’t know if I like that name.

Me: Why are you disturbed by the name?

Communist: Because most of the time…that rattlesnake thing is for reactionaries and fascists who wave the American flag!

Me: Like the Latino family standing next to the George Washington statue

Communist: That’s different! 

Me: How so? 

Communist: Mmm…

(Followed by a minute of so of silence and a stupefyingly dull facial expression.)


I can’t say that I expected a more welcome reaction from the dozen or so emissaries of Bob Avakian, the founder and head of a bizarre personality cult called the Revolutionary Communist Party.


If the Shepard Fairey-like silkscreened t-shirts bearing Avakian’s youthful visage aren’t enough to set off alarm bells, a brief excursion to the RCP’s website-which gives North Korean propaganda a run for its money in the weirdness department-should be enough to persuade you that these people are certifiably insane.



One of the recurring mantras of the Avakian supplicants is that the “real revolution” is imminent, and that you should get with it immediately.


Or entrale a la verdadera revolucion, if you prefer. In either case, it’s redolent more of a Marshall Applewhite-led Heaven’s Gate initiation than scientific socialism.


Nevertheless, the declamation of  revolutionary Communism must go on, even if mesh, pop-up hampers must take the place of wooden rostra and bullhorns. Evolution, my friends!


In addition to cyberspace, the proteges of Avakian also broadcast their incredibly delusional message through the cutting edge technology of dead trees, which bolsters the thriving industry of print journalism.


Alas, my preliminary investigation of these pioneering revolutionaries was abruptly curtailed when several of them demanded that I cease and desist taking pictures.  I can’t imagine what possible objections Communists could have to some harmless photography, but I took thge dispute in stride and calmly described-once again-the purpose of this website. After one Avakianik insisted that I give him copies of American Rattlesnake’s “newspaper,” I proceeded to explain the concept of a news website and why mass-producing a newspaper on pulp, a la Screw or The Nation, is an unnecessary and costly investment. He was not persuaded.


Therefore, I decided to make better use of my time by studying some of The Master’s doctrine, including what seems to be the handbook for all aspiring Revolutionary Communists, Basics.


A compendium of Avakian’s lectures and writings, Basics can also be used-it turns out-as a handy visual aid. In this case, as a giant mercator projection that focused on the depredations which global capitalism has inflicted upon various parts of the globe. One of the worst seems to be the manifestation of widespread famine in developing nations that have embraced the free market. Apparently, collectivism is the way to go in agriculture. Yes, a proven success.


The fact that there was widespread famine and civil strife in India during post-independence, socialist rule, and that that devastating hunger could be attributed in large measure to misguided agricultural policies, is an historical anomaly, I’m sure.


It’s impossible to attend any protest organized by the left and not be greeted by several dozen-or hundred, depending upon the turnout-t-shirts bearing the image of Ernesto “Che” Guevara Lynch, one of Ireland’s most embarrassing exports this side of Bono. Just multiply the image you see above twenty or so times and you’ll have an idea of what walking around Manhattan on May Day is like.


Less recognizable than Argentina’s Che Guevara, but still admired by Marxists of a certain age and disposition, is Africa’s Che Guevara, i.e. Thomas Sankara, the president of Burkina Faso for much of the 1980s. Another friend of Fidel, Sankara even had his version of the Young Pioneers.


In contrast to much of today’s brain-dead, multi-culti, post-modern left, Sankara was a strident opponent of such quaint cultural-religious practices as forced polygamy and female genital mutilation. However, he was in favor of armed Marxist revolution-having come to power in a coup d’état himself-and collective ownership of the means of production. Hence, his enduring popularity among a small segment of western-educated Marxists. Unlike another African ally of Che, whose successful revolution was effaced by subsequent events.


As obscure as the  former Communist president of Burkina Faso might seem, the Cuban Five-now the Cuban Four-are probably even less well known to those who aren’t aware of the extensive and capable intelligence network run by the Cuban government within the United States.


Although most Americans are oblivious to their existence, these spies serve as a potent rallying cry for the Castro regime, as well as a cause célèbre for the anti-American left. Some of you will remember the same type of literature and agitprop at previous demonstrations documented by this website.


Therefore, I was pleasantly surprised by the dedicated group of enthusiastic members of NY ICE I spotted from across the street.


Despite the balmy weather, these people are no sunshine patriots, but stalwart defenders of the Constitutional values upon which this country has thrived. They are in the streets, online, and on the phones pleading the case of ordinary Americans, year after year, regardless of the adverse political climate,  antipathy of the news media, or gamed lobbying structure of Capitol Hill.


Because they are aware of how much our government’s indulgence of illegal immigration has cost us in the past, and how much it will cost future generations of Americans if we don’t address this issue.


With real, substantive solutions, not the regurgitation of false rhetoric and the promise of deterrent measures which will never be implemented if and when the ultimate goal of immigration reform advocates, i.e. amnesty, is achieved.


If we’re going to look at adjusting our nation’s immigration policies, a good place to start would be with the words of our nation’s founding fathers, who remain a much better guidepost to wise decision-making than their dismal successors. If we really want to honor the labor of working Americans, we should start by rejecting plans that

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