Posts Tagged ‘ Siraj Wahhaj ’

Electing A New People

Electing A New People

I took the image you see above in my old stomping grounds of Bay Ridge, which has earned the moniker Beirut in recent years, for obvious reasons. Aside from the Alpine Theater-which was in danger of being added to the adjacent mosque at one point-and Galaxy Comics, you would be hard-pressed to find a...
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Democracy’s Future

Democracy’s Future

The precedent established by the Islamist-led prayer-not for the United States, of course-endorsed by the DNC continued on the second night of the Democratic National Convention. The celebration of a post-American nation included a brief, yet vitally important, speech by an illegal alien who served as a stand-in for the millions of “undocumented students”...
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Are We Targeting Islam?

Are We Targeting Islam?

Update: Welcome to readers from Creeping Sharia. Thanks, once again, to Pamela for the link! We always love getting readers from Atlas Shrugs. Earlier today I took it upon myself to journey to Foley Square in Manhattan, where an anti-NYPD, anti-intelligence agency gathering sponsored by CAIR, Al-Awda, and Desis Rising Up & Moving, among...
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