Posts Tagged ‘ Chris Dodd ’

The Great Debate

The Great Debate

Update: Brilliant pre-debate analysis by James Taranto.  Josh Marshall makes a salient point, re: Trump’s greatest handicap entering tonight’s debate. Personally, I tend to agree with Derb. Most voters will overlook an ignorance of policy details-see Aleppogate-if they have confidence in a candidate’s leadership abilities. That said, Trump does have to exhibit some minimal...
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Blue State Patriot

Blue State Patriot

Very rarely does the Constitution State-dark as bluest night-find itself in a position to elect a Republican to high office. However, the retirement of Christopher Dodd provides Connecticut voters with such an opportunity, if they choose to embrace it.
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Free the Tubes

Free the Tubes

Most of you are probably aware of the attempt by members of Congress, buttressed by millions of dollars in Hollywood lobbying, to retard what has been the greatest source of economic and creative innovation in this country in the past two decades. The misleadingly named Stop Online Privacy Act (SOPA), and its cousin, the...
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